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Sasori Akasuna ([info]notyourfantasy) wrote,
@ 2010-03-01 11:29:00

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Deidara, I'm revoking your right to have my phone number. I hope you passed out in a ditch last night.

[merrrr Sasori's back at work yay ♥ feel free to harass him, but be warned, he's tired and cranky because someone kept texting him in the middle of the night hurhur]

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2010-03-03 04:13 am UTC (link)
That's when the bars close sometimes, I suppose.

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2010-03-03 05:00 am UTC (link)
Bars? Passing out in a ditch after being at a bar for that long is definitely a cause for worry! I would not mind getting a text so late if that is what it is about.

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2010-03-03 05:04 am UTC (link)
Yes, my little blond friend is extremely self destructive. You may yell at him if you'd like.

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