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Sasori Akasuna ([info]notyourfantasy) wrote,
@ 2009-11-11 14:13:00

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Current mood: aggravated
Entry tags:hate temp workers, iz back, luff for itachi, no one else can visit his house kthnx

☠ 015
How hard is it to man a front desk temporarily? I demand that the moron who worked here while I was gone be either demoted to toilet scrubbing with a toothbrush, or fired. The desk is a mess and so are the appointments and phone lines, and they have no skills at handling the media. I had to throw a few fake reporters who claim to have been given permission to go upstairs to record things for advertising purposes without proper badges. If there's anything important that I missed, let me know. Oh, god there is fucking GUM stuck under my desk.

Thank you, Itachi for bringing me the games and truffles while I was gone. They were delicious. Please remember to destroy the directions to my house.

[ooc: I don't think I'm going to make a thread for Sasori's party since a few people are still doing the halloween thread lol It would have been Sunday night and everyone would have been invited and there was free food and booze dancing etc party party. If you want to plot anything with the super drunk bday boy just ping me if you see me or email me (shullieq@gmail) ... which is faster cause I don't really have aim atm]

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2009-11-21 03:21 am UTC (link)
You know where to find me.

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