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Sasori Akasuna ([info]notyourfantasy) wrote,
@ 2010-10-10 09:37:00

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☠ 028
Those of you who requested gifts, please come to my desk tomorrow to claim it. Except Ino, if you still wanted to go shopping at the same time.

Vegas was Vegas. If you want to hear about it, come see me. If you're one to get jealous by another's achievements, I suggest you just use your imagination and stay away.

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2010-10-11 10:30 am UTC (link)
A few of the casinos hotels *here* *here and here* and then for a few days at a less trafficked area *here*

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2010-10-11 05:06 pm UTC (link)
Many issues around them? Disturbances? Anything that people would normally stay away from or really quiet?

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2010-10-11 09:08 pm UTC (link)
Planning a stay? When I travel to Vegas, I stay in various hotels to keep traveling from the casinos and restaurants to my room at minimum because I visit a few each night. I would stay away from the major casino hotels. They're flashy, and offer good service, but there is a lot of foot traffic because of the casinos. If you're planning an extended stay I would suggest *this place* or *this one* I haven't had issues with either.

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2010-10-12 03:18 am UTC (link)
Not for too long but not more than a week. I will keep those places in mind. Thank you for the input, it will get a great help.

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2010-10-12 11:43 am UTC (link)
You're welcome.

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