[04 Jul 2010|12:08am] |
Player (nickname/handle)/LJ: Allie Email: fireflydreams01@yahoo.com AIM (if you have one): awesomelymusical Character Name: Barbara Gordon/Oracle Character LJ (if applicable): notyourdamsel PB if using one: None Character location/Home: Gotham City What are your plans for the character?: Get the Birds of Prey going in Heroes. Have her act as the information broker to the superhero community. Bat-family stuff. How are you planning on working them into the game?: Oracle is already well known as the information broker to the superhero community. Is there anything from canon that you plan on changing with that character?: Would rather not have her be possessed by Brainiac. What sort of plots to do you want to do with this character?: Birds of Prey, Bat-family plots, have her pop where she's needed, would also like to do a plot involving Calculator. She's a busy girl, that Barbra Gordon Sample Post: