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Cillian Wilkes

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[02 Mar 2009|07:52am]
The first-years banged together to get me something for my birthday.

They gave me a toad. A toad.

Maude, would you like it?
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[11 Feb 2009|10:38am]
Da sent me a package today. I can tell Ma didn't add to it because it had nothing in it relating to education. What am I going to do with 101 Ways to Enjoy Your Years at Hogwarts? Did he forget I'm in seventh year? Perhaps I'll leave it in the common room; someone will enjoy it.

Narcissa, you left your charms on the tables last night. I had to save them from a second year.
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[10 Feb 2009|12:22am]
not so innocent, now that the eyes are open )
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