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§lytherin Prince - Home in Disarray?
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Home in Disarray?
loveinidleness From: [info]loveinidleness Date: March 27th, 2012 03:12 pm (UTC) (Link)
Flattery might be rewarded with the pleasure of one's company. However a trinket from your travels will seal the deal.

Surely France was not that dull. I had a delightful time while I was there during my travels - then again, I was not there to play Potions Master's whipping boy apprentice. You must tell me about it and in return I may indulge your curiosity about tales of my travels and my return home. I know you are dying to know the details.

Oh, and to answer your first question: Flint has undoubtably taken too many bludgers to the head. There is no other explaination for his lack of judgement and taste. But honestly, I always knew there were a few things wrong with him and shacking up with a Weasley - a Weasley Twin, at that - just proves it.
notagryffindork From: [info]notagryffindork Date: March 27th, 2012 03:54 pm (UTC) (Link)
A trinket? Why Pansy, what do you take me for? A heathen? I would never buy you something as petty as a trinket, though I'm not certain this small gift that I have acquired will be able to compare the absolute joy you will feel at seeing my radiant face once more.

Pansy, darling, I am not dying to know anything, though if you must rattle me with tales of fashion, I will force myself to listen. I only ask that we do not dine here. As lovely as it is to be home, I would like to see something beyond the Manor.

A twin? He's gone and matched himself with a twin Weasley? That's horrid. I must say I am slightly relieved though, for a moment, I certainly thought it could be Weasel. Surely, Flint wouldn't stoop that low.

I imagine the giddy bunch of Gryffindorks had their fair share of joy with that. Oh look! A Slytherin! Let us deck him in red and gold and idiocy! We'll teach him how fools are supposed to act! ... I imagine he had met the ... family... hasn't he? I almost pity him, though he is the one who decided to take it up with the bunch.

And how is everyone else taking it?

Oh yes. Roses or Orchids, love?
loveinidleness From: [info]loveinidleness Date: March 28th, 2012 09:27 am (UTC) (Link)
Depends, what is the gift?

Force yourself? Draco Malfoy, you will do no such thing. You will listen with all your attention on me and what I have to say and if I see one single yawn or eye roll I will force you into sorting my shoe collection by colour and detailing. It's the least you could do after being a horrid friend and absent from my life for so long.

Yes, a Weasley twin. Although, not sure which one... like it matters anyway, they are interchangable. I'm guessing he has met the family. I was told to keep out of it by Weasel himself, so I figure he is part of their little tribe now.

Most are ignoring it. Even his own cousin seems to be, but then again, rumour has it Montague has his own issues to deal with. I heard from Mother that his parents weren't seen at several of her friends' dinner parties in the past six months. Some say it's because the family have lost money and are too embarrassed to show their faces anymore.

Surprise me. Oh, but nothing in red. You know how I dislike that colour.
9 Subjects or Audience with the Prince?
Your Majesty
Name: notagryffindork
Haunted Wasteland
Heave the silver, hollow sliver
Piercing through another victim
Turn and tremble, be judgmental
Ignorant to all the symbols
Blind the face with beauty paste
Eventually you'll one day know
Change my attempt good intentions
Limbs tied, skin tight
Self inflicted his perdition
Should I, could I...
Grand Scheme
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