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not_adorable ([info]not_adorable) wrote,
@ 2012-10-01 01:24:00

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Just Your Ordinary Family Dinner (When the combined attendees could probably level a small nation)
The first thing had been Gio's insistence that the dinner take place in Genosha, for security reasons. That had been a non-issue for him to agree to. Then there was some discussion of a menu, and the headcount range. The seating arrangement had nearly been the source of a small anxiety attack, before Andrew helpfully intervened.

It had taken multiple jumps, both the day before and the day of the dinner, but Angelo had assembled everything he needed for dinner. Mother's kitchen was the next best thing, of course, but it wasn't his kitchen. Besides that, there was a balance of ingredients he wanted to buy the day of, fresh, rather than drop them off the day before. Genosha was, of course, the most beautiful country in the world, but as Andrew had pointed out, it was somewhat lacking in cattle, and even some poultry. It was amazing what putting together a large scale tapas-French fusion meal did to calm his mind and keep it off the Worst Possible Outcomes of the dinner.

Plus, his girlfriend loved watching him prep and cook, which made him feel wonderful. True to his word, he'd let her help to the best of her ability, which also included making sure Mother didn't lift a finger so far as dinner preparation went. He left it to Andrew and Gio to handle any interim small-talk until he put the first course, a simple set of salads, out.

He gave Charlotte a brief kiss before they headed out, ringing a dinner bell before grabbing the tray of dishes and heading to the dinner table, set for a very decent number of people. Angelo, Charlotte, Gio, Andrew, Sengai, Rikki, Simon, Magneto, Paris, Carmella, and three extra seats kept ready in case Alex, Lorna, or (for a very slim chance of likelihood) Raven made themselves present.

"Dinner, is served."

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