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Just Your Ordinary Family Dinner (When the combined attendees could probably level a small nation) [01 Oct 2012|01:24am]
The first thing had been Gio's insistence that the dinner take place in Genosha, for security reasons. That had been a non-issue for him to agree to. Then there was some discussion of a menu, and the headcount range. The seating arrangement had nearly been the source of a small anxiety attack, before Andrew helpfully intervened.

It had taken multiple jumps, both the day before and the day of the dinner, but Angelo had assembled everything he needed for dinner. Mother's kitchen was the next best thing, of course, but it wasn't his kitchen. Besides that, there was a balance of ingredients he wanted to buy the day of, fresh, rather than drop them off the day before. Genosha was, of course, the most beautiful country in the world, but as Andrew had pointed out, it was somewhat lacking in cattle, and even some poultry. It was amazing what putting together a large scale tapas-French fusion meal did to calm his mind and keep it off the Worst Possible Outcomes of the dinner.

Plus, his girlfriend loved watching him prep and cook, which made him feel wonderful. True to his word, he'd let her help to the best of her ability, which also included making sure Mother didn't lift a finger so far as dinner preparation went. He left it to Andrew and Gio to handle any interim small-talk until he put the first course, a simple set of salads, out.

He gave Charlotte a brief kiss before they headed out, ringing a dinner bell before grabbing the tray of dishes and heading to the dinner table, set for a very decent number of people. Angelo, Charlotte, Gio, Andrew, Sengai, Rikki, Simon, Magneto, Paris, Carmella, and three extra seats kept ready in case Alex, Lorna, or (for a very slim chance of likelihood) Raven made themselves present.

"Dinner, is served."
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Flashback: Age 9 [23 Oct 2010|03:07pm]
Angelo was down on his belly in the grass, examining a caterpillar as it worked it's way along the leaf of a flower, when a cry caught his attention. He looked up to see his friend Maria standing under a tree, calling up into it's branches.

Concern for a damsel in distress motivating him, he ambled over to examine what the problem was. 'Kitty!' was the only explanation he got, and sure enough, upon looking up, there was a small kitten, no more than a few months old, in the crook of a branch.

"Just a minute, I'll--" Angelo started saying, about to head next door for an adult, when Maria started crying. That shut down several processes in his head, and he was scrambling up the tree. He wasn't bad at it either, he reached the kitten quickly, and scooped it up in one arm. "Calmi giĆ¹. Lo ho, quello piccolo."

That was when there was the creak, which quickly turned into a crack, as the limb came tumbling down. Grabbing a new hold would have required dropping the kitten. Unacceptable. So down he went, turning the kitten away from the ground, and coming down hard on one side, his head knocking against the limb as well.

A few moments later, he was aware of a numbness in one arm, that something was licking his head, and that Maria sounded absolutely terrified.

Then he saw his arm.

Oh... Mother and Father were going to be furious.
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App [11 Sep 2010|10:05pm]
Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: terrykun (LJ)
AIM: GoggleBoy83
Character Name: Angelo Michel Bennet, alias "Cherub"
Character LJ (if applicable): not_adorable
Physical description (face, build, weight): Angelo is of average height for his age, but is built like a coiled spring. Toned with visible muscles, without being 'buff' or bulky. Fair skin and brown bordering on black hair, with dark eyes. He could actually be considered a looker, if he didn't try very hard not to be noticed. He keeps his appearance in a calculated messy way, working to be 'just another face' in a crowd.
Age: 16
Birthday: December 6
PB: Francois Goeske

Abilities: Teleportation. Angelo can transport himself, other objects, and other individuals. The upper limit of the amount of mass he can move has been a compact car with four passengers besides himself. Variations in the amount of mass he is moving do not create any particular strain on his body, but greater distances, or moving objects already in motion, do. For example, at close range he can teleport frequently enough for it to be useful in combat, but an intercontinental leap would require roughly an hour's rest. Full rest is best for this, but he can function normally, provided he doesn't try to break into a run or do any heavy lifting. There has been no indication of any ability to exceed the mass limit. He is also incapable of changing the directional orientation of himself or others by teleporting (i.e. if he is facing west when he departs, he will be facing west upon arrival).
Angelo is currently undergoing a self-constructed training regimen to be able to teleport/recall objects to himself. This is focused on objects he has spent a significant amount of time in direct contact with.

Non-metahuman -
Languages: Fluent in English, dated French, and modern Italian. Studying Latin currently.
Combat: Extensive combat training with daggers and a short sword. Angelo focuses on agile footwork and a variety of feints and flourishes. Trained for infiltration operations and secondary (unseen) bodyguard duty.
Angelo is ambidextrous but favors his left.

Character location/Home: Genosha, Genoshan consulate, New York City
Alignment (villain, hero etc): Complicated
Relatives (living/dead?): Paris Bennet (father, living), Carmella Unuscione (mother, living), Giovanna Maxime Bennet (sister, living)

Backstory: The second child of Paris and Carmella, Angelo grew up having no fonder or more intent desire than to be number two. Or number three, as the case may be. As devoted to The Cause as the rest of his family, he was especially fond of his sister, and wanted to do everything he could to hone himself into condition to support her specifically, while pointedly never doing anything that might draw attention away from her, let alone the Lensherrs.

Angelo had a happy, if tightly disciplined, childhood, making friends easily, and practicing being able to slip in and out of a crowd unnoticed. The manifestion of teleportation as his mutant ability left him positively euphoric. Along with his dedication, Angelo is chivalrous to a fault. He absolutely respects women, but also can't resist a damsel in distress, holding out chairs, opening doors, offering his jacket, etc etc etc. His other great weakness is animals in distress. He's not exactly a member of PETA, but woe unto anyone he caught sponsoring dog or cockfights, or picking on animals for sport.

How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: During the Heirs plot, as Paris and Carmella decide he could use a learning experience.

Sample post: Coming Soon
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Test Scene [11 Sep 2010|09:14pm]
A less composed individual would be fidgeting nervously, wringing their palms and looking up and down the hallway impatiently, rather than sitting up straight and still, almost as if standing at attention.

A less self-assured individual would be wondering if they'd really done the right thing, cold-sweating with indecision, rather than sitting with a poker face.

Thankfully for Angelo Michel Bennet, he knew he had done the right thing. It wasn't that rules weren't to be respected. Rules kept you safe. Rules helped build successful societies. Especially rules laid down, in draft form if not the final legal niceties, by the Lensherr family.

But that... that... NEANDERTHAL had gotten what he deserved. Not only had the miscreant said very rude things about Alissa, and not only had he refused to apologize, he'd gone on to talk about Giovanna. Steps had needed to be taken.

A backhand across the face, since there had been no actual gauntlet handy, had seemed appropriate to open the corrective action.

Although the consecutive blows to the head and abdomen, a number of which Angelo had received in turn, might have been the point at which an adult should have been called for instead. He supposed Gio would have had a comment about it being fitting, given that he never wanted to be considered too attractive. He cracked the tiniest of smiles at that musing.

A squeaking of chairs against the floor inside the administrator's office heralded the conclusion of his parents' discussion. He swallowed, but not hard, as he stood.
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