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Noah. Not a raptor.

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[05 Feb 2008|09:27pm]
Right, it's Dodge ball Quiz time:

1. Never underestimate the learning ability of a Velociraptor. Assuming they have learned to speak English (and it is unwise to underestimate them), if a Velociraptor asked you and your friends to play dodge ball with him and his friends, what would you say:

a) "You're on, mate!"
b) "I have to go wash my hair. Maybe next week."
c) Nothing and run away as fast as possible.

2. Once convinced by the Velociraptors intimidating glare to play, what is your strategy against Team Velociraptor?

a) Hide
b) Run and then hide
c) Stand and fight

3. If a Velociraptor can accelerate at a rate of 4 m/s2 and hit a top speed of 25 m/s. Assuming they don't puncture the ball with their claw first, they can throw a dodge ball at a rate of 44.7 m/s. If one is standing 200 m away, hurls a dodge ball at you, then runs in your direction .01 s after, how long will you feel the sting of the dodge ball after being hit by it before you are devoured? Please show your calculations and provide drawings if needed.
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