Familiar faces
Elektra was back in New York City, this time, to stay. She'd been a hired assassin, murdered by Bullesye, brought back to life, an assassin again, but now, she was just Elektra Natchios, former assassin, back in New York City, determined to get a fresh start. Or something like that. Every time she tried one, it seemed almost impossible.
There was one person, though, that Elektra knew that she could count on. Though they may not be lovers anymore, she could still go to him. He was one of the few people that had Elektra's full trust and loyalty.
She waited until nightfall before she set to Hell's Kitchen, in full uniform. It was early, and she knew his entire patrol route by heart, even though it had been awhile.
Eventually, she found him. Fighting off a decent-sized gang of thugs. From her perch, Elektra looked down to see what he was fighting for. A child, scared in a corner, clutching a small teddy bear. A small smile crossed her face. That was the Matt she knew, always defending those that couldn't defend themselves.
Elektra jumped down from her perch, sending a kick at one of the thug's necks. He went down, flat on the ground. Elektra pulled out her sais, twirling them around her hands. She didn't need to say anything. He'd know who it was.
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