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ADVENTURE TIME - test scene [19 Dec 2012|12:35am]
Now, Clark wasn't actually supposed to be out and flying all over the place.  That just needs to be made very clear at this point, since he's technically breaking the rules.  What needs to be made even clearer is that he definitely isn't supposed to be flying out of state.  But he's doing it anyway because, adventure.  This little Kryptonian was dragging the clouds behind him up above Happy Harbor, Rhode island.  It's not like unusual things happened in that small part of the world, but he was enough to draw some attention up to the sky. 

Without decent sight - and by decent, Clark generally referred to superhuman - he looked like a spec or a flying ant (Atom Ant, possibly).  That was, of course, until he dropped down to a more "reasonable" height of a few meters above ground with total disregard for securing a secret identity.
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