Title: The Nature of the Beast
Fandom: Transformers G1
Character: Skywarp
Prompt: Feral
Word Count: 192
Rating: PG13
Summery: Quintessons should realize it is very unwise to keep a Decepticon as a Ginny pig.
Disclaimer: I do not own Skywarp, the Decepticons, or the Quintessons; they are all owned by Hasbro.
“What is the condition of the specimen?” asked the first Quintesson scientist to the second one.
“Alive; barely.” Said the second Quintesson scientist, “His spark is broken, but it is alive never the less.”
Walking to Skywarp’s cage, the first Quintesson scientist looked at Skywarp. Skywarp just looked at the Quintesson with a look of ice cold flame and started to give the Quintesson a deep angry growl.
“When was this Decepticon fed last?” asked the first Quintesson as he poked a tentacle at a starving Skywarp, who took the opportunity to grab the tactical and rip it off the first Quintesson and started to drink the energon from it. “Ah! My tentacle! That blasted beast tore off my tentacle!”
The second Quintesson scientist then said, “The specimen hasn’t eaten in over three weeks. You should be more careful.”
“He is nothing more than a feral animal.” Said the first Quintesson scientist as he and the second Quintesson scientist left to make repairs on the first one’s missing tentacle.
See the two Quintessons leave, Skywarp whispered to himself, “Animal am I? You fucking Quints have no idea what a feral animal is!”