NextGen Application (Canon and OC)
Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Sands
Email: you have it
AIM (if you have one): see above
Character Name: Phillip Sanders (Phobetor or Icelus)
Character LJ (if applicable): night_terrors
Physical description (face, build, weight): youthful looks (don't call it cherubish in any way), naturally curly brown hair, blue eyes, decently tall
Age: 20
Birthday: Dec 21
PB: (If using one.) Daniel Sharman
Nightmare/Dream abilities:
- No sleep, enters trance-like state to enter dreams and the dream world (similar to someone going to the astral plane, not asleep but body is vulnerable/not responsive)
- Can freely enter dreams, generally of those in the vicinity but can pinpoint one person and find their dreams specifically (hasn't really done this though)
- Can appear in dreams in animal or monstrous forms and turn pleasant dreams into nightmares. Nightmares have a different 'taste' to them than other dreams, and he can find them more easily
- Creates solid constructs around himself to form people's worst terrors or other monsters. His own size does not change.
- Eyes glow when using any of the nightmare/dream abilities
- Can tell people's worst nightmares if:
a) He's walked into one of their nightmares
b) Physical contact while in glowy eye nightmare ability use, preferably the head. Usually takes concentration on his part as it's like a telepathic probe. Those with very strong shielding may resist.
Note: He doesn't gain anything (power or such) from fear or suffering in general.
Standard Olympian power set (below list is from marvel.wikia with adjustments from Jeff knowledge): (Note: he hasn't tested these powers as much, only really the speed/agility part mostly.)
Superhuman Strength: About 15-20 tons
Superhuman Speed: All Olympians have the potential of being able to run and move at speeds much greater than the finest human athlete.
Superhuman Stamina: The musculature of all Olympians produces considerably less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the muscles of human beings. The average Olympian male and female can exert themselves at peak capacity for about 24 hours before fatigue impairs them.
Superhumanly Dense Tissue: The skin, muscle, and bone tissues of all Olympians are about 3 times as dense as the same tissue of a human body. This contributes, somewhat, to their superhuman strength and weight.
Superhuman Durability: The bodies of all Olympians are considerably more resistant to physical injury than the bodies of humans. Olympians are capable of withstanding great impact forces, exposure to temperature and pressure extremes, falls from great heights, etc. without sustaining physical injury.
Regenerative Healing Factor: Despite their natural durability, it is possible for any of the Olympians to sustain injury. However, if injured, their highly advanced metabolism enables them to recover with superhuman levels of speed and efficiency. As with most of their other powers, the speed and extent of these powers varies from one Olympian to another. Most Olympians, for instance, are not able to regenerate missing limbs or organs while a small minority can.
Immortality: True immortality. They are immune to the effects of aging and haven't aged since reaching adulthood. Their bodies are also immune to all known Earthly diseases and infection. If killed, their animating essence remains, and will eventually reanimate their body. This can take a very long time if the body is destroyed, but short of a very few legendary means, or keeping them continually in stasis or where their remains are suffering harm, Olympians will eventually return to life.
Godspeak: Allows him to understand all languages, and speak them, but listeners hear it in the archaic version. His english is fine though, having grown up with it and all.
Weaknesses and flaws:
Apart from the dream walking, and limited construct use, he hasn't used his abilities to their full extent, nor does he quite know them. He has a knack for the construct bit and learns fast, but has no real combat training. Could win a bar fight without powers but that's about as far as it goes on skill alone. Is overconfident/cocky much of the time, add in the durability and he's not exactly the most cautious person even though he can be injured. Probably could care more about others, at the moment he doesn't really at all except for his brothers, so sometimes isn't the most socially tactful either (also morbid jokes don't help) which can lead to trouble.
Character location/Home: NY/East Avengers HQ
Alignment (villain, hero etc): Neither according to him.
Relatives (living/dead?): Nox (mother/immortal), elder brother (aka Morpheus, living), younger brother (aka Phantasos, living)
Growing up so close in age, the three brothers were always one unit. None of them had memories of a life before the orphanage, and they stopped caring pretty quickly about it. They largely kept to themselves, and really only cared about each other, which kept the others off their backs. But it also made adoption quite difficult since nobody wanted 3 boys, and it was clear they weren't going to let themselves be separated. It was pretty early on that it was clear the three weren't exactly...normal. None of them slept. Or, well, not quite. They could enter a a rather trance-like state that could count as sleep, but they didn't dream their own dreams. They saw the dreams of those around them, and soon found they could visit these dreams in different forms. It was a skill they quickly developed and soon they had competitions amongst themselves, or challenges and games. Who could make someone dream a certain thing? Who could get the annoying one to wet his pants the fastest? (Phil won those) Among other things. The physical powers didn't show up until they got a bit older, and even then it took some time to be sure they /were/ powers. After all, they only roughhoused among themselves so changes were hard to notice in some ways. But powers, they had powers now. And it was only a matter of years before they were all out of the system officially. They might've been young and overconfident, but they were patient. Waiting wasn't too big an issue, and besides, staying in such crowded places meant an abundance of dreams. If they could've, they would've spent nearly all their time in the dream worlds. But alas, people woke up from sleep and the real world called. They probably should've explored the physical powers more, but there was little opportunity, and the dream powers were far more entrancing and fascinating. But in their 'awake' time, they planned the future. Not how to use the dream powers for money, no, dreams were too much an enjoyment in their minds, but what they'd do when they got out. The eldest brother was first, and managed to find a low pay job and a flat for the three of them. Soon they were managing to make ends meet when each of them was bringing in some pay. They never took night shifts, instead freeing up that time to go explore the city and invade the dreams of as many as they could. It didn't matter if they were in the more dangerous parts, what did they have to fear? They were young, powerful and seemingly invulnerable, and had a whole dream world to enjoy.
It was pretty carefree and mischevious for a time, and they developed the dream-related powers even more, finding they could bring aspects of it into the 'real' (arguable term in their opinion) world. Phil relished the construct ability, and looked to horror movies for more inspiration. Nightmares were the best dreams after all, and each one was different depending on the person. None of them knew the source of their powers, figuring it to just be some freak thing or that they were mutants. Again, didn't matter to them much. Until the chaos that wracked the world (see Eve of Destruction plot) happened, and everything changed for them. With Hades now taking an interest in the Earth, he stumbled across the brothers, telling them what they really were (the Oneiroi), who they were related to (Nyx, fear lord lady) and inviting them to return and take their rightful place in Hades again where they had once been. They politely and graciously declined him, saying that if they were who he said they were, well...then they'd end up back in Hades again one day. And inexperienced young gods who hadn't had a chance to fully explore their powers would be more trouble for the realm of Hades than any help. He let them go, but the revelation that they didn't just have powers but they were /gods/ made all the difference. They became cockier, bolder, and far more curious about the limits of their powers. They agreed amongst themselves that they should each explore their powers more. Individually. Though they were loathe to separate, they each went their own way, agreeing to keep in contact and rejoin again.
Phobetor was fascinated by the changes in the dreams since the world's near destruction. There were more nightmares for him to enjoy, and that was wonderful, but the people that appeared in these nightmares changed. There were more villains, more mythic monsters, and more heroes (some evil, some trying and failing to save the poor dreamer). It fascinated him , Phillip wanted to see these villains that were popping up in dreams more frequently now. And what these villains that were figures of nightmare fear? It was a good question, and one he planned on finding out. And what better way of doing it than meeting these villains? Easiest way to do that would be to go with the people who ran into these people the most often. Heroes. Namely...the Avengers. So to their door he goes.
How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: He shows up knocking on the East Avengers door
What are you planning to do with this character? Avengers plots and interactions. Maybe if there's something related to fear lords it'd be interesting, Nox is likely to take interest since he's a relative (none of them are sure if the brothers are her sons or not, they're not asking really too much though)
What do you want to see happen with this character?: Explore what he can do to peope with his powers, figure out what it means to be a god, especially of something traditionally negative like nightmares, and decide where he'd like to go from here. Just because he's a god of nightmares doesn't make him automatically a bad guy.