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Kyle McNider

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Marvel Avengers Alliance Concept [13 Feb 2013|07:45pm]
Kyle McNider- Dr Midnight

Total Spectrum Vision- Immune to blind. Can attack invisible and obscured targets.

L1- Brawling- Single target unarmed melee attack. Causing combo set up.

L2- Blackout Bomb- Targets all opponents with ranged attack. Causes blindness.

L6- Medic Skills- Heals target ally. Removes poisoned and bleeding.

L9- Doctor Strike- Single target unarmed melee attack. Causes pressure points. Exploits Blindness.
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App [12 Jan 2012|01:09am]
Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Matt
AIM (if you have one):
Character Name: Kyle McNider
Character LJ (if applicable):
Physical description (face, build, weight):
Age: 26
Codename (if using one):
PB: (If using one.)
Complete Spectrum Vision- Kyle has an inactivated metagene ability to be able to see the entirety of the energy spectrum. When it does activate he will start off with infrared vision and with concentration x-ray vision.

Master Physician- Kyle is already without a doubt one of the top Physicians in the world while his primary focus is on surgery and emergency medicine his skills extend well beyond that in medicine.

Martial Artist- Kyle has a moderate level of skill in hand-to-hand combat which he farther enhance with his medical knowledge

Genis Level Intellect- Kyle is very intelligent though most of this is focused towards medical
Weaknesses and flaws:Kyle has all the basic weaknesses of a normal human. Kyle also prefers not to fight if possible but is more than willing to to protect a patient. By that same notion he can very easily be taken out of a fight or any other situation to help out injured people especially those with serious or possibly serious injuries
Character location/Home: New York
Alignment (villain, hero etc): I’m a Doctor not a Hero.
Team: JSA
Relatives (living/dead?): Charles McNider- Great Uncle(deceased) Parents Alive
Backstory: From an early age all Kyle ever wanted to be was a doctor. He was inspired by the stories he heard about what his Great Uncle had done as one not that he or anyone else in his family knew he was Doctor Mid-Nite.

Kyle was well on his way to accomplishing his goal having graduated from Harvard Medical School at age 19. He interned under the renowned former Doctor Pieter Cross for a few years becoming close to him and earning his respect. Not just for his skill but for how much he cared about the wellbeing of his patients.
How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?:
What are you planning to do with this character?
What do you want to see happen with this character?:

Please include a sample post/scene
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App [11 Feb 2011|12:48am]
Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Matt
AIM (if you have one):
Character Name: Kyle McNider
Character LJ (if applicable):
Physical description (face, build, weight): Kyle has blond hair and blue eyes. He is 6’ and 180 lbs.
Age: 25
Birthday: November 3
Codename (if using one): Currently none though in the future Doctor Mid-Nite
PB: (If using one.) Mike Vogel

Complete Spectrum Vision- Kyle has an inactivated metagene ability to be able to see the entirety of the energy spectrum. When it does activate he will start off with infrared vision and with concentration x-ray vision.

Master Physician- Kyle is already without a doubt one of the top Physicians in the world while his primary focus is on surgery and emergency medicine his skills extend well beyond that in medicine.

Martial Artist- Kyle has a moderate level of skill in hand-to-hand combat which he farther enhance with his medical knowledge

Genis Level Intellect- Kyle is very intelligent though most of this is focused towards medical

Weaknesses and flaws: Kyle has all the basic weaknesses of a normal human. Kyle also prefers not to fight if possible but is more than willing to to protect a patient. By that same notion he can very easily be taken out of a fight or any other situation to help out injured people especially those with serious or possibly serious injuries

Character location/Home: New York City
Alignment (villain, hero etc): I’m a Doctor not a Hero.
Team: None though possibly JSA in the future
Relatives (living/dead?): Charles McNider- Great Uncle(deceased) Parents Alive

Backstory: From an early age all Kyle ever wanted to be was a doctor. He was inspired by the stories he heard about what his Great Uncle had done as one not that he or anyone else in his family knew he was Doctor Mid-Nite.

Kyle was well on his way to accomplishing his goal having graduated from Harvard Medical School at age 19. He interned under the renowned former Doctor Pieter Cross for a few years becoming close to him and earning his respect. Not just for his skill but for how much he cared about the wellbeing of his patients.

Rather than going to work at a hospital or in private practice that would allow for him to make a lot of money, Kyle choose to work in the ER of a New York City low income area hospital while volunteering to help out where ever else around the hospital he’s needed. A lot of the staff realize how good he and treat him with respect.

With the amount of time he’s working at the hospital or otherwise helping out he seriously lacks a social life beyond interacting with people at the hospital and on the rare occasion outside the hospital.

How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: He going to start off as an ordinary brilliant doctor.
What are you planning to do with this character?: He’s going to lose his sight during the BN event and will get but on the path to becoming the new Doctor Mid-Nite
What do you want to see happen with this character?: Join up with the JSA acting more in a support role providing top medical care for the superhero community.
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