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「ᶯicole → ᵝoot」 ([info]nicoles) wrote,
@ 2011-05-24 21:45:00

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It's been a while since I picked up this old thing. Now that the season has wound down, I'm finding myself with a lot more time to do other things.

Oh, right... Before the rags get to it, I might as well tell the world I'm having a baby. My manager is less than thrilled Let's see if I get signed back after all of this-- No worries, though. It was mistakenly timed very well. Next season is still a go.

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2011-05-25 12:23 am UTC (link)
Oh wow what a surprise I am so shocked this is brand new information!!

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2011-05-25 12:25 am UTC (link)
I know you are, because you've never heard of this before in your life. Ever. So shut your face!

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2011-05-25 12:29 am UTC (link)
My face is shut! It's shut!

When should this baby I've never heard of be welcomed into this world?

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2011-05-25 12:33 am UTC (link)
Late August, as you certainly don't know. Because I didn't know because I just found out, clearly.

[Finn] They're going to fire me for this. [/Finn]

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2011-05-25 12:39 am UTC (link)
What? Why? If they can't fire me for accidentally having three kids, they can't fire you.

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2011-05-25 12:43 am UTC (link)
You weren't letting people throw Bludgers at you while knowingly carrying a child, either.

They think--well, know--I lied about it to keep playing. I got a lecture about trust and what a liability I could have been and they're pretty certain I'm not telling them the truth about not having known.

Thankfully, as mad as Martin was over everything, he's not ratting me out for fear of death.

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2011-05-25 12:47 am UTC (link)
What's done is done, you're fine, the baby's fine? and you'll miss like, what? Two months? That's nothing; at least you're not on the bench for some stupid injury, you're having a bloody baby!

There has to be something in your contract about this, you're a woman, for God's sake.

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2011-05-25 12:50 am UTC (link)
Yeah, well they've got their knickers all in a twist about not telling them. They're trying to prove I knew. I really would rather not have to pay off my healer to keep his mouth shut, but it may come to that.

We'll see what happens when it comes time to renew contracts. But they can prove something and this doesn't blow over, I have a feeling I'm done for. Sorry in advance if it comes to that.

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2011-05-25 12:57 am UTC (link)
If they try to end your contract, then I am fully behind you in suing the shit out of our management.

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2011-05-25 01:02 am UTC (link)
I appreciate it. I'm not flipping a shit just yet, I'd rather not give them any more reason to think I'm lying to them. We'll see how it goes.

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2011-05-25 06:17 am UTC (link)

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2011-05-25 07:23 am UTC (link)
Sarcasm was never your strong suit.

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2011-05-25 02:48 pm UTC (link)
And it's not yours either, apparently.

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2011-05-25 07:48 pm UTC (link)
I'm unsure how we've managed to remain friends with situations like this popping up all the time.

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2011-05-25 10:31 pm UTC (link)
Oh, boys.

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