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Chapter 00: Prepare for my Cross-Examination! [31 Mar 2012|05:44am]

A special thanks to [info]franziska for making this for me!

"This pressing pursuit has been rather taxing on my mind, and I am uncertain where I will go from here, but I cannot stop now. Any sign of weakness now and that will be the end for me and my client. There is an [OBJECTION!] in the evidence... I just need to find it. This isn't a new concept though is it? Lives depending on my voice, a single piece of evidence and my pointed finger. Guess that means one thing.... PREPARE FOR MY CROSS-EXAMINATION!"


Hello, welcome to the personal journal (scribbld version) of [info]nickthefanboy. Friends only, so comment to be added please. I figure if my friends are posting more here, I may as well join in this.

As an off note; I enjoy going on tangents. You'll understand when you read "The First Cross-Examination: Turnabout Introductions", there's a couple bits I just started writing in the middle of writing my intro, which turned out well. Anyway, enough of this for now!

"Nick" the Fanboy / "Nick" the Defense.
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