Thanks for letting us know! To be honest I personally don't care about the site being exactly up to date on every single little thing in every single little way. I just want it to run smoothly and not get shut down. There's probably a huge set of features on lj that have been implemented but if I really cared that much I would be over there and not on scribbld. I like this place because if I were to get a paid account the price would be better than dreamwidth (not like I can afford it either way lol) I think it would be cool if you just took a poll on what sort of features people would like to see implemented, and just pick the top 3 to work on (if that's possible without messing other things up). I just want to know that my journal won't disappear like on greatestjournal and inksome :(
Current Location Cypress, TX
Current Mood busy
Current Music Kruder & Dorfmeister - Original Bedroom Rockers