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Someone wrote in [info]ncuygxlkae,
I'm doing a masters in law paxil 30 mg uses Nothing new about Christian misspelling a Jewish name. The guy was bornJewish and named Yeshu'a in Hebrew. He spoke mainly Aramaic (the lingua francaof his time in the Galilee) so most contemporaries knew him as Yeshu. When hisdisciples started marketing the New Judaism to their Greek speaking neighbors, thename was "Hellenized" into Jesus. 300 years latter Latin replacedGreek as the new Holy Languish in order to distance the now Roman faith fromthe old Jewish version, but the name Jesus stuck. For the new believers, Roman,Greek, Germans and Franks, Celts and Slavs, these fine distinctions wereimmaterial - as long as nobody called Jesus a Jew!

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