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brianna a. sloper ([info]nastyshock) wrote,
@ 2008-03-17 11:45:00

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Now, I'm an idiot and don't have any film and really don't feel like going out in this cold, but believe me when I say Claire's probably the cutest little leprechaun you'll ever meet. Except don't ask her for gold because she'll kick your arse.

At any rate, Happy St. Patrick's day! And I hope a little luck o' the Irish gets rid of this flu that's going about.

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2008-03-17 05:13 pm UTC (link)
Aw, I'm sure she looks adorable!

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2008-03-17 08:09 pm UTC (link)
Oy, she does, I'm just real shitty at remembering to keep film in the camera. That's my first piece of advice to you! Always. Have. Film.

And a camera.

And wipes. Lots of wipes. Not for the camera.

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2008-03-17 09:21 pm UTC (link)
Wipes and film. Got it. I'll make sure to have an extra set always lying about, yeah?

I wish you could see the leprechaun traps the kids made today in class, they're adorable. Nothing that could do serious damage, you know...I wouldn't want parents or the Ministry on me about that. We looked at muggle picture books and read them and made stuff from what muggles think and then we talked about how leprechauns really are. We all came to an agreement that it's rather silly to think that gluing a penny down in a box would lure a leprechaun into it, however. So at least I sent them home knowing that any of the muggle tricks and tips won't actually work.

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2008-03-18 12:17 am UTC (link)
Oy, I've never seen one outside of Kestrel matches!

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