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rockefeller. ([info]nargles) wrote,
@ 2012-04-09 23:00:00

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Alecto slowly wiped the blood off her mouth with the back of her hand, reveling in the warm, silky feeling of the pureblood traitor’s blood in her mouth, on her hands, soaking into her taste buds. Perhaps she hadn’t given him a fair trial, but she was thirsty for blood, and she couldn’t go back now. There was no turning back after she’d caught him: it was already far, far too late to change her mind about this disgraceful man.

After it was over, Alecto turned unhurriedly around, though her eyes met Rabastan's almost instantly. Eyes wide and innocent-looking, this was a stark contrast to the beast that had been freed from a cage, which Rabastan had just witnessed. With heavy feet, Alecto walked towards Rabastan, only stopping when she was inches away from his face. Slowly, she touched the cheek with the back of her hand, exploring the smooth skin, occasionally marred by stubble.

The pace seemed almost unbearable to Rabastan, and in one quick move, he caught Alecto's lips with his. Rabastan beckoned her to him, wrapping his arms possessively around her waist, dipping his hand just below the small of her back. It had been far too long that he'd wanted this to happen, and he wasn't about to let her get away as quickly as it had started. Her lips tasted like rose and salt and blood, and he simply couldn't get enough of it. What was supposed to scare Rabastan away made him want to keep her there forever, under his possessive grasp.

Alecto fought to get to the top, as Rabastan expected she would, but he simply shoved her into the alley wall, a rotting corpse at their feet. That kiss made Rabastan crave even more of her - even more of her skin, more of that exquisite taste, more blood. Rabastan decided, at that moment, that there would have to be so much more fucking blood.

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