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pavement saw [Jan. 11th, 2008|11:23 pm]
It's kind of weird when you go back and find things you used to be really into and aren't into any more. I don't really like being reminded about what I used to be like. It's better to just close the book on those things and go on, you know? But I can't just throw out old records since I spent so much time finding them. Even if I'm not really into Albini anymore. Or at least not like I was.

Cardiff was okay. Anything to get out, yeah?

They finally got back to me about that petition. So we have more time. Now we just need more funding. I don't know how I'm going to manage that one. I don't think the Carrows really seemed that happy about the last thing.
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kyle nathaniel bundy [Jan. 1st, 2008|05:02 pm]
there's too much caffeine in your bloodstream )
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