birthday; july 24, 1954 age; 30 wand; holly, 11", sturdy, ashwinder ash wand hand; right year/house; 1972 alumnus/ slytherin quidditch; seeker [captain] occupation; auror political alliance; lord voldemort [death eater]
mother; lisette [nee wilkes] father; alexander loftus sibling; mackenzie goldstein children; mischa travers [4-26-1980], micah[3-7-81] & ariel [d. 5-29-82] related; related: daniella montague, juliana travers, louisa wilkes [d. 4-30-79], amery wilkes & grayson wilkes [cousins]
height; 177cm [5'9"] weight; 175 lbs defining marks; dark mark [left forearm] disabilities; [he] can't swim appearance; 1 2 3
first impression; "I've never seen a person stand so straight." pet peeve; wasted time in depth; christopher is very proper, and he takes pride in the fact that he is one of the rare socially-inclined gentlemen of his age. You will never find him outwardly insulting a person; to their face, at least. He likes to spin words and insinuate things to be taken many ways, which really just adds a bit of spice to everything. And, helps quite nicely with his profession. After all, Aurors do tend to have to lie and twist things now and then. Especially Christopher. But you would never notice it, he has also gotten very good at intentionally misleading people without their knowing.
But either way, Christopher does have an air of arrogance to him. He feels he is much higher above regular society because of his last name and blood, but even further because he is an Auror. And an Auror's word is a powerful one. And, not to mention he is, and has been since his school days, a loyal follower of the Dark Lord. Christopher feels he has a lot of power in his hands, controlling nearly everything around him, and it reflects in the way he treats other people. It's not his fault though, really, all these things were just given to him.
home; london, england birthplace; london, england first sign of magic; [he] regrew his hair when he felt it had been cut too short for his liking heritage; pureblood
personal history; christopher edmund loftus was the first born male into a high esteemed pureblood family, so right from the start he always had the attention of the room despite being a quiet child. He wouldn't say much, but when he did it was important and critical. The boy kept mostly to himself, and his parents praised him even more for it. They felt their child was wonderful--- look how he was already beginning to take care of himself before they sent him off to school! The Loftus manor felt very proud indeed.
Things didn't change much when his sister, Mackenzie was born; Christopher still was the oldest and showed the most loyalty to his family. Nonetheless, he would get along well with his sister occasionally playing with her and whatnot. They had a stable relationship, for the most part.
When Christopher went to Hogwarts, he was sorted into Slytherin (where he felt he rightfully belonged) and flourished there. In his sixth year, he was named captain of the Quidditch team (seeker), and they won the cup in his final year. Friends were not a problem for him, since he had known most of the people in his house way before coming to Hogwarts, and Christopher did very well in all his classes--- well enough to get all the N.E.W.T.s necessary to become an Auror, actually. Becoming an Auror had never even crossed his mind when thinking of future occupations, but Slughorn had mentioned it being 'a very nice place to be with the world changing, and whatnot.' Even then, becoming an Auror still hadn't struck his fancy. It only did when Lord Voldemort himself had encouraged him to seize his opportunity at hand before it became to late.
Now, Christopher is pleased that he decided to become an Auror. And not just because it gives him and endless amount of freedom, but because now at 24, he has much more power than any other 24-year-old ever.
astrology; slytherin Leos can be either very good, or very bad. At their best, they exemplify all that "nobility" is made of: confidence, openness, charm, initiative, generosity of spirit, wisdom, judgment, and poise. At their worst, they become elitist, bullying bigots. How they end up depends on the company they keep, and how they are encouraged to act early in life. Either way, they never lack attention - it's hard to ignore a Slytherin born under this sign. These Slytherins usually end up in positions of responsibility and leadership, because of their charisma and natural ability. Their creativity and drive also makes them very resourceful.
pb; tom sturridge |