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「ℳeredith → ℱielding」 ([info]mymeredith) wrote,
@ 2008-06-07 17:10:00

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Oh my god, what is everyone's deal?

You know, like, the Heads should so be doing something to deal with this nonsense. I, for one, would like to see it stopped before it begins to encompass the other houses. I thought we were supposed to be working towards house unity this year, guys, come on. This is now just getting ridiculous.

By the way, no one honestly cares who's up the bloody duff, we are all leaving in, what, a couple weeks? And if anyone does care, they've so got too much time on their hands.

Get over it and let's all get back to peace and love and those other sorts of Hufflepuff things. There's so better things that we could all be doing with our lives.

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2008-06-05 11:41 pm UTC (link)
Very mature of you, Meredith.

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2008-06-06 01:05 am UTC (link)
I know it's shocking, when this school has shown so little of it lately.

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2008-06-05 11:51 pm UTC (link)
There's really nothing we can do. I mean, yeah, the Gryffindor girls were rather obvious with thier little letter, and didn't do much to cover thier tracks, but there's no way of telling who really sent out those charms. Besides, I can't just send people into detention or punish them when I don't know who did what, and neither can Vivica or any of the teachers.

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2008-06-06 01:15 am UTC (link)
You do know who did it I'm just saying, something should be done. What if the prank the Ravenclaws pulled (and don't act like you don't know it was them) ended up actually hurting someone? Would it not be better to prevent serious problems before they happen?

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2008-06-06 01:21 am UTC (link)
Well, I'm not saying it wasn't them, but I don't know how many of them were involved, you know?

I'll try and think of some way to take care of everything. We are trying to go for house unity this year, so...I'll try and think of something. I'll have to talk to Vivica and see what she thinks. Ugh.

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2008-06-06 01:26 am UTC (link)
Thank you, that is all I'm asking for.

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