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「ℳeredith → ℱielding」 ([info]mymeredith) wrote,
@ 2008-05-18 21:59:00

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The Hogsmeade weekend was absolutely lovely, wasn't it? I love to be able to get away from the drab walls of the castle once in a while and do a bit of shopping; they really should let us do this more than once a month, I think, although I really can't imagine that Headmaster Dumbledore sees buying the latest style of robes to be quite as imperative as I do. He really should, as his attire is garish at best, but I suppose you can get away with that sort of thing, being an old geezer a successful, powerful wizard and all.

But I digress! Who wants to see the new pair of shoes I bought? They're adorable.

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2008-05-20 02:20 am UTC (link)

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2008-05-20 02:28 am UTC (link)
But Glennnnnnny, you're not heeeeere! :(

Gosh, I don't know how I let you graduate.

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2008-05-20 04:33 am UTC (link)
You could.... paste it into your journal? Ohh or just tell me about them.

I don't know either, it seems like ages since we've seen each other.

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2008-05-20 04:40 am UTC (link)
I'll take a picture, hold on!

I know, right? How are you, anyway! Busy being all famous and married and pregnant?

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2008-05-21 12:42 am UTC (link)

Ugh. You make me sound like I should be so much older than I actually am.

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2008-05-20 04:00 am UTC (link)
Meeeeeeee! Seeing as I haven't been to Hogsmeade IN BLOODY YEARS I HAVE FORGOTTEN WHAT THE OUTSIDE WORLD LOOKS LIKE I loooove shooooes!

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2008-05-20 04:23 am UTC (link)
EEE well then I will just have to meet you in the Great Hall in five, then!

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