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「ℳeredith → ℱielding」 ([info]mymeredith) wrote,
@ 2011-08-09 14:02:00

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IIIIII just got a lovely deposit of galleons into my Gringotts account and they're already burning a hole. So the question is: which of my most wonderful friends should I take on a London shopping spree?

I should pay my rent first but-- New clothes!

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2011-08-10 12:03 am UTC (link)
I think a reunion of the world's greatest Hogwarts club, H.A.I.R. is in order!

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2011-08-10 01:36 am UTC (link)
That sounds like the best reunion ever.

How have you been! I feel like I've been so out of touch with everyone from Hogwarts for the last year!

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