I've gained weight since I started dating Sammy. A 140lbs? Ug, I look so fat in everything I wear now. And my favorite skirt is like, too small.
I googled like some diet stuff, and I found this:
“Thin Commandments”
If you aren’t thin, you’re ugly.
Being thin is way more important than being healthy.
You must do anything to make yourself look thinner.
Thou shall not eat without feeling guilty.
Thou shall not eat fattening foods without punishing yourself accordingly.
Thou shall always count calories.
The scale is everything.
Losing=Life, Gaining=Death
You must become thin.
Being thin and perfect are signs of true determination.
And some other pretty useful tips. I think I need to keep a journal too. I probably won't ever find thing stuff again, though, so I'm gonna save it here. Remember self, it is here.
( OOC: Cut for Anorexic Tips. Trigger happy stuff? )