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[11 Feb 2012|05:41pm]
[block Arianna]

OMG you guys! OMG! So I took Arianna on a date. We went to a movie and went to Dave and Busters. She kicked my ass at skee ball. We hugged when I dropped her off AND SHE KISSED ME ON THE CHEEK. It was a perfect date. A first date. I'm so happy and excited!!!



Hey beautiful! What are you up to today? I had a great time yesterday!
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Monday June 23rd, 5 pm [24 Jan 2012|12:08am]
My aunt and I went out shopping this afternoon and she bought me a new camera. It's pretty sweet. The lens on it is huge and it takes video and stuff. I think I'm really getting into this photography thing. I need to find someplace to take it out and take a bunch of pictures. Maybe even shoot a movie for youtube. Any takers?
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[22 Jan 2012|07:42am]
bio )
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