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User:musicable (14716)
E.E. Cummings once wrote; 'To be nobody-but-yourself - in a
world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody
else - means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can
fight; and never stop fighting.
People12:aprill, boxing, drasticeffect, freebird, headspin, heartables, lover, nude, party, smile, smoke, sunkyung
Communities18:above, addme, backgrounds, bluesky, donut, glitters, iconic, inkpen, layout, lovestruck, necroholic, nerds, promote, promotions, scribbldfinds, shocker, tremor, tutorials
Friend of:16: aprill, boxing, drasticeffect, dutch, freebird, heartables, how, nude, octoberfields, party, show, smellofautumn, smile, smoke, sunkyung, untamed_night
Member of:17: above, addme, backgrounds, bluesky, donut, glitters, iconic, inkpen, lovestruck, necroholic, nerds, promote, promotions, scribbldfinds, shocker, tremor, tutorials
Account type:Early Free User
Date created:2008-01-19 21:38:46
Date updated:2009-06-12 11:14:21, 805 weeks ago
Clients used:Web: 2.0.0
Journal entries:88
Comments:Posted: 227 - Received: 123
Posting Access:7: addme, backgrounds, promote, promotions, shocker, tremor, tutorials

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