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[13 Jul 2010|03:03pm]
 LJ: Sonnysims2
AIM (if you have one): S4ndm4n4lyfe
Character Name: Arthur Pittman Dane-Drake
Character LJ (if applicable): MrFixit
Physical description (face, build, weight): Arthur is 6'0", thin with brown hair and green eyes. Weights: 150lbs
Age: 17
Birthday: August 7
Abilities: TechnoPath: Arthur's Technopath abilities make it easy for him to repair anything, electronically or not. He can also speak with the machines, commanding them to obey him. Machines are his specialty and he knows how to deal with them in all aspects. He's also a good help in the weapons lab, asking machines what's wrong with them if a failed attempt at a weapon or machine creation occurs. 
Weaknesses and flaws: He always wants to impress everyone. Low Self Esteem. Her sarcastic attitude. Ice and Water... His father made it his weakness.
Character location/Home: [WHerever X-men is located] / New York
Alignment (villain, hero etc): Hero
Relatives (living/dead?): Robert Drake (Father); Lorna Dane (Mother); William Drake (grandfather); Madeline Bass-Drake (grandmother); Max Eisenhardt (grandfather) 
Backstory: Where Arthur's from, there's alot of war and chaos. His Parents Bobby Drake and Lorna Dane, otherwise known as Iceman and Polaris were in hiding from a powerful force unknown to mankind created by the villains. It was like judgement day as the heroes/survivors had to hide and plan how to take out the villains one by one. The villains rained superior and there was little hope. Lorna, Bobby and their children moved around so much if a child got left behind they had to fend for their own. 

Arthur Dane-Drake and his sister were the 2 that always kept up with their parents. Those days his father, Bobby, had a temper tantrum on him mostly a side effect of when he became Lord Frost, an evil version that Arthur never wanted to see again. He tortured the family under an evil spell or mindwarp. Thank the heavens, Polaris and Arthur broke free long enough to defeat him and bring him back to normal. That's where the running continued and got more intense. They lost many friends and superiors within their lifetime and escaping. 

In the event of their running, some villains cut them off, Bobby fought for his life...for his family. He didn't make it. His wife, Lorna, wasn't the same after that. She became sloppy, she cared less. Arthur feared for their lives. He looked for a solution anyway he knew how, to change what was happening now. He took his sister with him to find answers, some folks told them about a man that could make people disappear and owned a lab...underground, he was a neutral scientist. When they went back to their home, they witnessed villains invading their house. They killed Lorna. Arthur and his sister had to keep moving alone and decided it was best to visit that scientist. 

He told them of other dimensions where things were much different. Arthur and his sister didn't find much hope in this world and had nothing much to live for anymore. So they helped him in his lab, thats where Arthur progressed in his gifts of Technopathy. On this latest project, Arthur volunteered to being the transportee for a dimension-hopper. He gave his sister a tearful farewell and promised to come back for her. He went portal surfing and ended up in this current universe where everything seemed...normal. Except for the supers of course.
How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: Come in from another dimension. Meet with his team.
What are you planning to do with this character?: Everyone needs a technician/ repair man who can also kick your ass. I just want to use him as the repair guy that likes to tag along for rides. 
What do you want to see happen with this character?: Develop as a character; become a known hero; create something awesome; have something extraordinary happen to him.

Sample post: Coming up
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[13 Jul 2010|04:29pm]
[ mood | excited ]

Dimension surfing wasn't like anything he's seen before. Arthur Pittman Dane-Drake was surfing through what seemed like floating bulbs. He wore a tight black bodysuit with white strips down both the sides and the arms, and huge goggles that could be compared to the ones harry potter wore during quidditch.  Tiny pieces of crystilized light broke off these bulbs; he started to panic. But he knew the scientist said he had to stay on what looked like a piece of metal carved into a skateboard. His tall black boots seemed to sit snug onto of it. He concentrated on his balance as a sting hit his face; a crystal attached itself to his arm. He looked at it, confused and nervous as they started to attach themselves faster. He yelled out and closed his eyes as they all zapped themselves onto him, then the board started to descend.

*   *   *   *   *  

The evening night was quiet outside one of NYC's largest hotels. Not much was happening on the street, the most activity was a hobo snoring a block away. Soon enough, bright lights of every color start flashing and appearing in small specks, shaping out a figure. Any bystander would of thought it was a light show, due to the beams that it was shooting off and the inability to see what was forming. In one final big flash, Arthur was launched out of the portal, skidding the metal board on the floor, creating sparks, broadcasting metal shredding screeches for anyone near.

SLAM!! His ride was soon ended by a mailbox. He fell on his bum and whined in pain. He rubbed his legs, due to the sudden sore feeling he got once he fell. He looked around at the cool, dark evening. No sign of life other than the homeless man staring at him wide-eyed. Space krunch and sauce, I think it worked, he thought as his confused look turned into a big grin. He got up to his feet, No burning buildings, no fires, no screams...peace... "WHOO HOO!" he couldn't help but yell, he was so excited about not being afraid to be standing still for more than 30 seconds anymore. He

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