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Moses Dodderidge: bad ass (and prophet) ([info]mosesknows) wrote,
@ 2008-09-12 21:52:00

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SHIT SHIT SHE'S GONE AND WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO BLOODY TELL when I see her again I'm going to kick her arse and read her the right act--expecting me to make something up for the whole fucking family what the hell, Miranda

I need to go and get something from one of the vaults, but I'm terrified of the dark :( I wonder if there's someone whose hand I could hold that would be willing to go with me...I promise I won't hold on too tightly.

[Maddox] I have something I need to tell you. Well...two somethings. [/Maddox]

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2008-09-13 05:37 am UTC (link)
You know, not really sure when. Going down to the vaults by yourself can be quite scary, though. Dragons and other things all about.

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2008-09-13 05:40 am UTC (link)
That's why the goblins go with you, though. They know their way around the dragons.

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2008-09-13 05:43 am UTC (link)
not a fucking moron, I have been working at the bloody place for

But sometimes they let me go without the goblins. Sometimes. And this might be one of those times, so I want to be prepared, you see.

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2008-09-13 05:45 am UTC (link)
Why work there if you're scared?

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2008-09-13 06:03 am UTC (link)
Sigh. I'm trying to propose to my bloody girlfriend. I'm not terrified of the dark, I'm not even afraid of the dust bunnies under my bed. I just need an excuse to get her down to the bloody vaults with me so she can find the ring and I can ask her.

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2008-09-13 06:08 am UTC (link)
Not psychic. However, didn't think you were afraid of the dark of all things. Have you considered specifically asking her to hold your hand? She could simply think it's a new and interesting place to snog. Or there's asking her out to lunch or dinner and then, what's that? Your wallet's empty? Need to go to your vault? Oh, come along. It'll only be a minute. That's h Just a thought if this doesn't end up working.

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