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Moses Dodderidge: bad ass (and prophet) ([info]mosesknows) wrote,
@ 2008-09-12 21:52:00

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SHIT SHIT SHE'S GONE AND WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO BLOODY TELL when I see her again I'm going to kick her arse and read her the right act--expecting me to make something up for the whole fucking family what the hell, Miranda

I need to go and get something from one of the vaults, but I'm terrified of the dark :( I wonder if there's someone whose hand I could hold that would be willing to go with me...I promise I won't hold on too tightly.

[Maddox] I have something I need to tell you. Well...two somethings. [/Maddox]

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2008-09-13 04:19 am UTC (link)

That's...have you asked her yet?

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2008-09-13 04:24 am UTC (link)

No, I haven't yet, but soon. Miranda gave me a brill idea for With the way everything's going, I don't want to take a I think she'll say yes. At least, I hope she does.

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2008-09-13 04:36 am UTC (link)
Ah. Well, I wish you the best of luck! I'm sure she'll say yes.

Okay so...now hit me with the bad something.

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2008-09-13 04:43 am UTC (link)
Er...I got an owl from Miranda this morning.

She's...well, I don't want to say run away, but she's. Not at home anymore? And. Well, she said not to look for her and to trust her. But...I didn't get anything else. I don't know what to tell mum and dad. God I feel like a horrible brother because

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2008-09-13 04:51 am UTC (link)

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2008-09-13 04:55 am UTC (link)
She's gone. No address, no--I am going to fucking kill her when I see her again, so help me She's going to be back, but she doesn't know when. And that she will keep in touch.

She's....I can't think of one bloody reason why she would suddenly decide to run off and--

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2008-09-13 05:01 am UTC (link)
So she just runs off? She'll keep in touch?

Is she insane, you just don't--

God damn it, Miranda.

Have you told Mortimer? Does he know that our sister just decided to take off without any bloody warning?

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2008-09-13 05:05 am UTC (link)
No, I haven't told him yet. I figured you'd like to know, being the overprotective mess that you the oldest. I'd rather have him upset at me that I didn't tell him first than have you upset at me that I didn't tell you first.

And we still need to tell mum and dad. Mum is going to be a fucking wreck because of this, bloody hell

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2008-09-13 05:18 am UTC (link)
Yeah, well. Good choice.

So in other words she expects us to clean up after her mess? To have to comfort Mum and Dad when we tell them?

What the fuck are we supposed to say when they ask why we didn't stop her? When they ask why we haven't tried to look for her? "Because she asked us not too."?

Yeah, that'll sound brilliant. Just fucking brilliant. It'll go over so well.

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2008-09-13 05:34 am UTC (link)
Going to fucking kill her when she pops up next.

Not really, but...ugh.

Maybe we can say that she's untraceable, that we've tried. I'm sure if we name drop an auror or a hitwizard they'll be more likely to believe it.

And she's promised to stay in touch. Hopefully she'll have the sense to send letters to mum and dad so that they don't worry. If I hear word from her, I'll make sure she knows that she needs to.

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2008-09-13 05:40 am UTC (link)
Oh, so now we're just going to lie for her. This is getting better and better.

It doesn't matter what she's promised. I don't give a damn about that, she shouldn't have left in the first place.

The fact that you might have to remind her that she needs to write letters to her parents after she's run away just makes me so proud of our little sister.

I can't believe her, I thought she was at least smarter than this, because it's by far the stupidest thing she has ever done in her entire life.

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