Moses Dodderidge: bad ass (and prophet)

March 21st, 2009

10:22 pm

[Hexed to wedding invitees (close friends and the Dodderidge family as well as anyone whom Harmony has invited)] I've arranged a few sets of port keys for the wedding in case there is anyone uncomfortable/unable to apparate to the location. One should be leaving from the Leaky the night before, but I want to wait to set up places for the others until I know what everyone needs.

If you're in the wedding party, we will be having a rehearsal dinner at 7 pm at the Leaky on Thursday April 9th. Please let us know as soon as possible if this will not work for you so we can change around dates and times. [/Hexes]

[Maddox] I know I haven't formally asked,'ll be my best man, right? I'm pretty sure that Morty has a bachelor party in the works (I wouldn't throw it past him, at least), but either way. I don't really need one anyways [/Maddox]

[Harmony] Did I forget anything? Oh! Vows. Are we writing our own or going with the standard ones? All up to you.

21 days.[/Harmony]
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