Moses Dodderidge: bad ass (and prophet)

Recent Entries

12/20/09 07:18 pm

Mayan ruins are a bugger. But I think we're finished, for the most part. At least until after the first of the year. I should be on my way home within the hour, just have a bit of paperwork to finish up!

those stairs were a bitch... )

Hugs, kisses, and souvenirs on my arrival!

3/21/09 10:22 pm

[Hexed to wedding invitees (close friends and the Dodderidge family as well as anyone whom Harmony has invited)] I've arranged a few sets of port keys for the wedding in case there is anyone uncomfortable/unable to apparate to the location. One should be leaving from the Leaky the night before, but I want to wait to set up places for the others until I know what everyone needs.

If you're in the wedding party, we will be having a rehearsal dinner at 7 pm at the Leaky on Thursday April 9th. Please let us know as soon as possible if this will not work for you so we can change around dates and times. [/Hexes]

[Maddox] I know I haven't formally asked,'ll be my best man, right? I'm pretty sure that Morty has a bachelor party in the works (I wouldn't throw it past him, at least), but either way. I don't really need one anyways [/Maddox]

[Harmony] Did I forget anything? Oh! Vows. Are we writing our own or going with the standard ones? All up to you.

21 days.[/Harmony]

1/31/09 02:59 am - Hexed to close friends of the couple and Moses's Family

You are Cordially Invited... )

12/2/08 10:27 pm

I lost my journal. That D gave me almost a year ago and now she's not

Birthdays aren't the same when...people you'd like to have around just--aren't.

Merlin, if this sucks now I don't want to think about Christmas and how bad mum is going to

9/12/08 09:52 pm

SHIT SHIT SHE'S GONE AND WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO BLOODY TELL when I see her again I'm going to kick her arse and read her the right act--expecting me to make something up for the whole fucking family what the hell, Miranda

I need to go and get something from one of the vaults, but I'm terrified of the dark :( I wonder if there's someone whose hand I could hold that would be willing to go with me...I promise I won't hold on too tightly.

private to Maddox )

9/1/08 11:16 pm

These laws are so ridiculous and--

I've started back up at work again. I have a feeling that they'll keep me in-country for a while, with the way things have been lately. I don't want to be sent off to--she's not--how can they just stop fucking looking for someone?!

Dodderidge Men )

Harmony )

6/10/08 04:01 pm

Phew. Okay. I think that I'm going to be in London for a while. I may have got a serious injury officially have a...semi-permanent desk job.

Well, more like a few-months-in-length permanent desk job. And a gimp leg! I've never realized how quiet and lonely my flat is. But never fear, because I have my baby to keep me company! )

5/3/08 10:36 am

Did you know that when you die your hair still grows for a couple of months?

And that cats sleep 16 to 18 hours a day. Wouldn't it be grand to have that much time to waste sleeping? I guess it's good that I have so much going on that 18 hours of sleep is only a lofty ambition.

4/1/08 11:46 am

[Maddox] Do we have anything planned for Jamie's birthday? I'm torn between postponing because it's only fun when Miranda's in on it all and doing it anyways because she'd probably want it that way. [/Maddox]

3/13/08 02:49 pm

Harmony. I hope you don't have major plans already for tonight. Because that would mean I would have to cancel mine, and I really don't want to do that.

2/21/08 12:36 pm

I'll be scarce over the next few weeks. If you need anything, an owl will probably be best.

[D] Thanks for lunch the other day. It was good to see you. If something happens Keep safe and don't let things get to you, yeah? And good luck with your match on Saturday. I know you'll do great. [/D]

1/6/08 10:47 pm

[info]valesco. Friends Only.
was it ignorance or innocence? )
aren't they really the same?
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