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William Specter

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[22 Sep 2012|01:44pm]
Who: William specter and Ryan Specter
What: Finding eachother.
Where: downtown Miami.
Rating: R-violence
Status: Incomplete.
I'm going to find them )
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[22 Sep 2012|10:55am]
  Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ:Angel (look at the gron-el and Orlenstrange apps for the rest of the infor :) )
AIM (if you have one):
Character Name: William Specter
Character LJ (if applicable):
Physical description (face, build, weight):6'1 Athelic build raven dark hair and green hair. 
Birthday: september 24
PB:  Tyler Hoechlin 
Abilities: During  his fathers  his time as a soldier something altered his DNA giving him a strange power. It transfered over to his son. some of them are. 
Super Strength, Invulnerability  his other abilities are  Unarmed Combat ,  Weapon Master 
Weaknesses and flaws: burst of uncontrollable rage make him a liablilty.
Character location/Home: Maimi, Florida
Alignment (villain, hero etc): Hero
Relatives (living/dead?): Randall Specter shadow knight Father "dead" Marc Specter. (uncle) 
Marlene Alraune  (aunt). Mother: Unnamed
After his father died Marc took care of William paying for his school and anything and everything he would need despite Marlene's disagreements with it. After a violent incident in high school invloving brutally beating the local bully and sending him to the ER Marc began to look deeper into deeper into his nephew. Getting samples from his DNA found that his fathers genetic makeup lingered in his own. That and the blind rage. It was then Marc began to tutor him to temper his anger until graduation.

After highschool and graduation with all passing grades in honor classes Marc used his vast connection to get him into west point. From there he began his career in the U.S. army. Serving two tours of duty and rising through the ranks. In a mission overseas he and his squad were ambushed and slaughtered, leaving him alive just to know that he did nothing to save his people!

putting in his resignation he returned home, Marc had given him a foot locker and was told only to open it when he thought he was ready. Today...he thought he was. It was everything his father was the trust of there family. He then came to find out his cousin more like a brother at this point was Moon knight...the new moon knight anyway. He made the choice...TO keep on with his father legacy and be at odds with his cousin or take matter into his own hands spit in destiny's face and go his own way.

After seeking out a worn down building and fixing it up on the inside he began to train living a spartan lifestyle to find the person responsible for the killings. He made a name for himself in maimi picking his fathers mantle as the shadow knight. 
How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?:
What are you planning to do with this character? 
What do you want to see happen with this character?:

Sample post:http://www.scribbld.com/users/moonson/559.html#cutid1

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