September 26th, 2009
02:22 am - [meme] Give me a pairing, and I'll give you their first kiss! If it happened in game, I'll...figure something out! Doesn't have to be OTPS! Current Location: Living Room Current Mood: bouncy Current Music: Backstreet Boys - Everybody (Backstreet's Back)
September 8th, 2009
05:33 pm
Current Location: Living Room Current Mood: awake Current Music: Backstreet Boys - Crawling Back To You
August 17th, 2009
08:44 am Rita is ready to goooooo~
July 24th, 2009
09:32 am - Meme ( shipping meme ) Current Location: Will's apartment Current Mood: crazy Current Music: Bush - Glycerine
June 3rd, 2009
12:12 pm - Quick Update. So I'm in a long splint for another week. I know I've appeared online a couple of times but my typing is super slow with my right hand. I'm usually on vicadin during the day and extremely sleepy. I start my non-stress tests this week at the OB. I'm officially 36 weeks pregnant and considered full term but I will probavly be casted through John's birth, if he's on time. Otger than that life is okay. Tim's working and I don't have to do housework. Current Location: Living Room Current Mood: uncomfortable Current Music: Sugarcult - Bouncing Off The Walls
May 18th, 2009
03:19 pm - Hilariousness
 see more Fail Blog Current Location: living room Current Mood: amused/aggravated Current Music: iz - somewhere over the rainbow/what a wonderful world
May 10th, 2009
05:42 pm I found this on Facebook and couldn't resist. Some of these are past my time.
( You know your from ROCKFORD if... ) Current Location: Living Room Current Mood: awake Current Music: Whatever the Fuck the Neighbors are Listening To
May 3rd, 2009
04:17 pm
Over 90 people get Swine Flu and everybody wants to wear surgical masks. Over one million people have AIDS and nobody wants to wear a condom. Current Location: Living Room Current Mood: awake Current Music: Call of Duty: World at War
April 16th, 2009
10:33 am I just want to pimp out this icon because it makes me laugh. Current Location: Living Room Current Mood: amused Current Music: Papa Roach - Scars
March 7th, 2009
02:31 am Okay, this is desperation but Jen sorely needs a date of the male consort. Any single guys in the realm of Valesco? I promise she isn't crazy. I just don't want to give Stell a heart attack or have Tobias kill something. <.< >.> Current Mood: anxious Current Music: Alan Jackson - Where I Come From.
March 6th, 2009
04:40 pm - OOC Meme from Ron's batch! What sort of character would you like to see me play? It can be a stereotype, it can be a general description, OR you can choose a specific name (I'd like to see you play ____). Then, tell me why! Current Location: Living Room Current Mood: blah Current Music: Bowling for Soup - Almost
March 5th, 2009
12:46 pm - Another meme stolen from Cristina
Here's how it happens. You give me a couple, any couple (so long as I've played one of the characters) and I'll write a drabble around 100 words about them in reply to your comment. This can be ANY couple (anything.. shippiness or cuteness or whatever), and it can have been a game-canon couple, or something completely off-the-wall. I do back-history, I do future, and I do AU crack. If you want a particular theme or rating, let me know. The ratings will be anywhere from G to uh, well I suppose NC-17 but I dunno if I can get that in 100ish words.
/ = Shippyness and "and" means ordinary interaction
Current Location: Living Room Current Mood: curious Current Music: Gladiator
February 24th, 2009
08:36 am Pick a character (present, past) and I will tell you their: 01.) Full name? 02.) Best friend? 03.) Sexuality? 04.) Favorite color? 05.) Relationship status? 06.) Ideal mate? 07.) Turn-ons? 08.) Last sexual experience? 09.) Favorite food? 10.) Crushes? 11.) Favorite music? 12.) Biggest fear? 13.) Biggest fantasy? 14.) Quirks in bed? 15.) Bad habits? 16.) Biggest regret? 17.) Best kept secrets? 18.) Last thought? 19.) Worst sexual experience? 20.) Biggest insecurity? Current Location: Living Room Current Mood: cheerful Current Music: Katy Perry - Hot N Cold
January 1st, 2009
01:57 am - because i can. an if you live in chicago. closest town to me. ( Read more... )
November 4th, 2008
03:14 pm Yes, I'm home and yes I'm here to stay. I brought Tim with me so I'm good. So I'll definately be around more doing things like, I don't know, roleplaying. :-D
August 16th, 2008
09:04 pm Go over to Wikipedia and enter your birth date. Then pick 5 events 3 births, and 1 holiday that occurred on your birthday. And I'm adding something 1 death. APRIL 26TH
Our Lady of Good Counsel A lot of interesting stuff happened on my birthday. (: Current Mood: aggravated Current Music: Craig David - Walking Away
August 6th, 2008
11:25 pm - 25 Flavors: Innocent (Jen) Florence arched to the touch and tried not to moan out. They were in her parents home and this love was brand new. She was nervous and excited about each feeling Smeth gave her. She sighed and leaned up and kissed him gently. "Before you say anything," she told him, "Yes, I'm sure and yes I want this." Her hands stroked up and down his arms and she took several deep breath as she prepared to lose her innocence. Current Mood: calm Current Music: Legally Blonde - Whipped into Shape
12:40 am - STOLEN MEME! Give me a decision any of my characters has made in the past and I'll tell you what would have happened had they chosen differently.
And also, this one!
Give me a situation we've talked about that could have actually happened in Valesco canon, history, and future. How did this happen? Why did they do that? What was going through their mind? Current Location: Living Room Current Mood: bouncy Current Music: Sara Barielles - Come Round Soon
August 5th, 2008
07:02 pm - 100 Questions.
Current Mood: cynical Current Music: Alan Jackson - Itty Bitty.
August 3rd, 2008
02:42 pm - 25 Flavors: Drunk Florence giggled as she looked at the man who had asked her out to dinner. He was charming and she couldn't help but be swept away by the romanacing she was being given by Ron. He poured more wine into her glass and waved the waiter away. He really was famous. They were in the back of the Covent with no one bothering them except for the occasional waiter.
He was American and there was just something charming about how harsh the American accent was. So different from Smeth, she frowned. She wouldn't think of Smeth tonight. She was on a date with a famous muggle. This wasn't the time to be thinking of boyfriend and drank more wine. She was drunk and had lost most of her inhibitions.
Ron judged Florence's condition for a moment and grinned. It had worked. She was completely intoxicated. Now would be the time. She had mentioned the boyfriend she was seeing before but it didn't matter because hell, he was Ron Jeremy and could convince any woman to go anywhere in the world with him. "So Jen...how would you like to go to Rome with me and live while I shoot...a movie?"
Florence's eyes widened at the thought of it and chewed on her lower lip for a moment, "I don't know Ron. That's an awfully big step on my part and I'd be leaving everything." Damnit, Ron thought to himself she was still reasonable. He nodded in agreement not showing his anger, "Of course, of course. Why don't we discuss this more at my place?"
She was drunk enough not to care about the implied innuedo and nodded. "Alright. I think I can agree to that." He was staying in a muggle hotel and if things got ugly she could always scream. She wasn't stupid enough to use her magic on muggles even if she was drunk. Ron dropped several bills on the table and offered his hand to Florence drawing her close for a moment and tickling her face with his beard making her giggle for a moment.
They walked out of the room and through Covent Garden back to Ron's hotel room. Little did Florence know that this would be the last time she strolled through London for almost a year. That night she would agree to fly to Rome with Ron Jeremy, leaving the world she knew behind. Current Location: Living Room Current Mood: accomplished Current Music: Mariah Carey - Bye Bye