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Orion Sinistra ([info]mmmsodreamy) wrote,
@ 2013-07-10 19:54:00

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Got to work this morning to discover that not one, not two, but three baby Short-Snouts had escaped. Apparently some genius forgot to lock them up.

Because locking up dragons is something that just slips ones mind, apparently.

Took 5 of us to get the bloody things back into their cage, and 2 sets of eyebrows were scorched off in the process. I am happy to say that I came through unscathed.

Poor little buggers looked miserable - the dragons that is, though my hairless co-workers looked equally unhappy. I put some extra brandy in with their blood as a peace offering.

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2013-07-11 10:19 am UTC (link)
Well there's only so much you can do for a hiccuping dragon, unfortunately. It's not as though I can instruct it to hold its breath, so we kind of had to let the little guy ride it out. The problem was that dragon hiccups are pretty flammable. Almost lost another set of eyebrows.

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