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Senju Tobirama ([info]mizuwari) wrote,
@ 2010-05-07 22:01:00

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[sitting around his brother's home, glad that he doesn't have to hide out from hotel to hotel anymore, but... doesn't feel safe, even though he should. has been getting weird, subtle hints often that they know where he is, which is why he's been moving so much, but has decided that if they're going to hunt him, he should at least be comfortable. is laying low, away from all windows as per directed, and working on his physical therapy for the day, flexing his damaged arm and lifting a small five-pound weight, waiting for his brother to get home with dinner. is hunnnngryyy.]

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2010-05-12 10:45 am UTC (link)
Deal. [stands up and holds out a helping hand to get up.] You aren't hurt from that are you?

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2010-05-12 11:14 am UTC (link)
Barely a scratch. [hefts himself up, going for the cheap shot punch to the gut then returning to his dinner, flipping the TV on. that's for thinking about locking him up and putting yourself in danger >| ]

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2010-05-12 11:17 am UTC (link)
[oof. okay, might have deserved that.] I'm going to have my shower now. Have to wash off all the brother germs you left on me. [walks away and coughs. that was a good hit.]

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