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Senju Tobirama ([info]mizuwari) wrote,
@ 2010-03-29 12:12:00

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[sits quietly waiting outside his brother's office for the chief to finish scolding him for that warehouse stunt, and how much danger he's been putting himself in lately. agrees that his brother takes the Madara Uchiha case too hard, but would rather help his brother than lecture him, so once the chief is gone, quietly slips into Hashirama's office, dropping a folder onto his desk.] Here, interrogation reports of one of Madara's men that was captured. As usual, his men are well trained. The guy refuses to talk and within the extent of the law we have no proof he's really done anything wrong, so he's got twenty-four hours left of incarceration before he's released. [knows that isn't what big brother wants to hear, but... at least he isn't scolding him! see, he's a good baby brother.]

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2010-04-01 01:31 am UTC (link)
A bird on a cherry blossom tree. [don't laugh.]

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2010-04-01 01:33 am UTC (link)
[would never laugh!!] What does the bird represent to you?

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2010-04-01 01:39 am UTC (link)
I wanted a Raven. An omen as well as a hero.

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2010-04-01 01:47 am UTC (link)
Ahh, you're so cool. [nudges playfully, sipping more of his drink. woo, lightweight. this is strong, too.] I need another drink.

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2010-04-01 01:50 am UTC (link)
Pick any drink you want. Maybe something not so strong. [straight scotch please and whatever his lightweight brother wants.]

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2010-04-01 01:50 am UTC (link)
Hmm... I want whiskey! [like a child asking for candy.]

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2010-04-01 01:59 am UTC (link)
[waves the waiter over and whispers to him to water it down.] You are moving onto the big man drink now. Are you sure you can handle that?

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2010-04-01 02:11 am UTC (link)
I always wanted to be like you, so I want to drink like you, too. [shine shine.]

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2010-04-01 02:16 am UTC (link)
[takes a piece of deep friend unknown from his plate and eats it. he is paying, he gets to sample.] I should call in sick for you now. Say you got a case of food poisoning.

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2010-04-01 02:26 am UTC (link)
I'm fine, I'm fine. [takes his drink when it arrives, not knowing Hashirama had it watered down for him.] ... [avoids making a face.] It's strong. [cuuute, right?]

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2010-04-01 02:30 am UTC (link)
You will be a real man in no time. [smiles and pats back.] And I saved a dumpling for you. It would have soaked in the broth really good by now.

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2010-04-01 11:09 am UTC (link)
[omg yes *-* to dumpling, and to praise. eats it slowly, to savor! but drinks his drink much faster, trying to keep up with big brother.] So... how is it that we got the same-ish drink, but mine is way lighter than yours? [always a detective, even drunk.]

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2010-04-01 11:24 am UTC (link)
That is a special one. The purer the alcohol is, the lighter it is.

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2010-04-01 08:46 pm UTC (link)
Oh. [thinks he gets it.] Like how Moonshine is clear? I get it now. [sips until it's gone, picking at the food until all of that is gone too, definitely getting progressively more and more drunk until that tell-tale blush is happily resting on his cheeks.] I need more to drink, I think. I want... something more clear!

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2010-04-02 12:42 am UTC (link)
Look at you go. You are showing your true Police officer drinking skills right there. [orders him a water >_>] So I was thinking... hey! You ate all the food. [shakes head and grabs around the shoulder, nooging his head.] You are still a little sneaky kid at heart.

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2010-04-02 12:47 am UTC (link)
[snorts and laughs, wriggling away from grasp kind of haphazardly, knocking an empty glass over.] Ahh... whoops. What, uh, were you thinking? [dabs table with napkin.]

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2010-04-02 12:49 am UTC (link)
I should take you home after this drink. [lets go of headlock and... there is nothing there except dribbles.]

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2010-04-02 12:52 am UTC (link)
[drinks his water fast, like he's showing off.] Alright! [slams cup down happily.] My first night drinking like a real detective... did I make you proud?

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2010-04-02 01:00 am UTC (link)
[smiles.] Very proud. You are one of the team now. [finishes off the rest of his drink and gets up, offering a hand out to drunken brother who needs some extra support.]

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2010-04-02 08:29 am UTC (link)
I feel so good. [stupid grin, taking brother's hand and scooting out of the booth, realizing just how lopsided his balance is when he doesn't have furniture surrounding him to prop him up. has never been this drunk before.] Let's go back to work, I can solve any case now.

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2010-04-02 08:32 am UTC (link)
I've got some paperwork at home for you to look over. We can sit down, have a couple of light drinks and you can solve my entire caseload for me. [pays up for the food and drinks, arm around waist to help stumbling brother out to the door.]

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2010-04-02 08:41 am UTC (link)
Yes, sir! [typical drunken man on the streets, stumbling and clinging and laughing and making bad jokes. thankfully sobers up a bit by the time they get home, but just wants more food, tripping out of his shoes at the door, making himself at home and raiding the fridge. oooh, a beer! takes that, bahaha. you can't stop him.]

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2010-04-02 08:48 am UTC (link)
[follows behind and gets his own, also getting out some left over dinner because someone ate his.] You spoken to mom lately? [ahh more beer. wish he had a low tolerance. lucky for some.]

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2010-04-03 11:03 am UTC (link)
[and it was good too. but ahh, your beer is strong too. no matter, will drink!] I did, I talked to her last week. She got a new window planter and wanted to brag about how well her flowers were doing already.

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2010-04-03 11:28 am UTC (link)
I have to call her and find out more. The last thing she said to me that she was looking to move again. Hopefully she has dropped that thought.

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(no subject) - [info]mizuwari, 2010-04-03 10:08 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]codefive, 2010-04-04 12:19 am UTC

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