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Senju Tobirama

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[003] [03 Jun 2010|02:52pm]
[doctor's visit today... has hated doctor visits since he was a kid, and especially hates them now that he's been seriously injured this past month, has had to do a lot more doctor visits. recognizes how important they are, but that doesn't mean he has to sit with a smile in the waiting room, leafing through the old magazines, stretching his arm in front of him, feeling each of his fingertips against his thumb. it's been a long recovery, but slowly the nerve damage is healing, and in the end he's only going to suffer from an ugly scar, and some periodic loss in feeling in his arm... which is why he's here, since it's been happening a few more times than usual this week, probably because he's stopped babying it and has been doing heavy work.]
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[07 May 2010|10:01pm]
[sitting around his brother's home, glad that he doesn't have to hide out from hotel to hotel anymore, but... doesn't feel safe, even though he should. has been getting weird, subtle hints often that they know where he is, which is why he's been moving so much, but has decided that if they're going to hunt him, he should at least be comfortable. is laying low, away from all windows as per directed, and working on his physical therapy for the day, flexing his damaged arm and lifting a small five-pound weight, waiting for his brother to get home with dinner. is hunnnngryyy.]
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[001] [29 Mar 2010|12:12pm]
[sits quietly waiting outside his brother's office for the chief to finish scolding him for that warehouse stunt, and how much danger he's been putting himself in lately. agrees that his brother takes the Madara Uchiha case too hard, but would rather help his brother than lecture him, so once the chief is gone, quietly slips into Hashirama's office, dropping a folder onto his desk.] Here, interrogation reports of one of Madara's men that was captured. As usual, his men are well trained. The guy refuses to talk and within the extent of the law we have no proof he's really done anything wrong, so he's got twenty-four hours left of incarceration before he's released. [knows that isn't what big brother wants to hear, but... at least he isn't scolding him! see, he's a good baby brother.]
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