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MistressC ([info]mistressc) wrote,
@ 2008-02-19 09:27:00

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friday night
So this wkend was fun i got so fucked up friday night....

my friend from cali is moving back here and she came back on friday and we all went out and got so drunk some friends of ours that we havent seen in FOREVER! where there and they were buying us shots and drinks and then my friend took it upon herself to ask people to buy us drinks...and they did lol...

I almost got into a fight with this dude who tried to take my beer telling me that it was his when it wasnt...we had a pitcher and i set my glass down to hug my friend i havent seen in like a year....And the dude grabs my beer and i'm like whoa wait a min,. dude thats mine and he kept saying it was his and i was like NO it's mine and then i was like you know what there is no use in arguing with someone who is ALREADy drunk cuz i had a good buzz going and he was ruining it i told him he could have it....

And then he decided to say some mean things to me that were un-called for and started to call me fat ass and stuff and simply turned around and said thank you i know i have a great ass its nice and firm and i'm sorry that you can't enjoy it.... So times goes by and i'm drunk at this point but not wasted yet....and he decided that he wanted to try and take my beer again thinking that i wouldn't notice...and i got sooooo FUCKIN angry....and curked out on him...and we started arguing he pushed me and no bouncers came so i took a pool stick and shoved it in his eye (now mind you i took a tequila shot of jose and that makes me very violent and i didnt intend to get violent but it just happened) and then kept beating him in the face with the pool stick the fat end because he was so drunk he fell when i hit him in the eye with fat part....

And then thats when the bouncers came and  escorted both of us out and they were going to kick me out when my friends came over and told them what happened and one of the bartenders who i know came out and said that they seen the whole thing and vouched for me that the guy was fuckin with me the whole night and he got kicked out...

then one of his friends came up to me once i got back in the bar and told me that i better watch my back when i leave the bar...I didnt have my weapon on me like i normally cuz ever since i got robbed i started to carry a big gutting knife with me in my purse...i didnt even feel like dealing with his friends cuz i was trying to have a good night and i told this big black bouncer guy what his friends said the bouncer told them to leave lol....

but all in all great night!! i got 2 dudes numbers that look fairly decent i think i dont know cuz i was fuckin wasted around 1am lol....

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2008-02-19 08:42 pm UTC (link)
thats nice that thwe bouncer you knew saw the whole thing and didnt do shit about it

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2008-02-20 06:18 pm UTC (link)
I KNOW RIGHT!! lol :)

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