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Heath Ledger [25 Jan 2008|12:13pm]
[ mood | sad ]

Im so upset about Heath Ledger's death i loved him as an actor i've seen every movie he has ever done and i've seen every interview hes ever done....I'm just so deeply sadden....when my cousin told me about it i thought it was a joke cuz she knows thats my husband lol...but she was serious when she sent me the news article....and i just cried and i was shocked and then just cried.....

My prayers goes out to his family :( 

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My fuckin father is a McIDIOT [25 Jan 2008|12:26pm]
[ mood | aggravated ]

My dad is declared an idiot again...i just dont know when he will get it...there are 6 billion people in the world and you're telling me you can't find someone better than your current "fiance"....BULLLSHITTTTT

my dad went out of town for like a day and rushed back home to see his "fiance" because she was texting him about how much she missed him blah blah mushy shit and when he came back and he was like okay are you coming over or would you like me to meet you somewhere so we can see each other she replied "Im busy i'm paying bills and going tanning"....WHAT A FUCKIN BITCH....

He got pissed of course and then when i came home he later told me that she was acting like cunt because she didnt want my dad to go on the ski trip that HE paid for....so my dad got all pissed and began to complain to me and i told him i didnt want to hear it anymore because he says the same shit and never follows through with what he says.....and they want to get married when they have been fighting for what 6 MONTHS NOW give me a fuckin break...I'M NOT GOING TO THEIR DOOMED FROM THE START WEDDING

so what does he do he gets pissed and storms out and says FUCK this i'm going to get my shit...and i said YEAH RIGHT....and he goes no for real..and i said OKAY WHATEVER....and guess what i was right did he come back with his shit? NEIN! he came back with them to spend the night so they can go to skiing today....

so my dad comes out and i'm watching tv and he rolls his eyes and i said i dont know why you're rolling your eyes you're doing it to yourelf and he goes....yeah i know...and i said well if you know then why are you doing it? and he just looked at me...and i said just shook my head and rolled my eyes.....and then like 20 mins. later i hear them have sex it's fuckin GROSS

then i go into the bathroom only to realize that the toliet it stuffed up with toliet paper and shit and i asked one of her kids who was in the bathroom last and they both lied and said not me and i said are you sure cuz i dont like to me lied to i said it's not a big deal if you stuffed up the toliet i'll show you how to use the plunger....and they both just looked at me....and i said so who did it? and they lied to me again.....so i just left the shit in the toliet....and then my dad comes out and asks whats wrong and i told him and he said how do you know it wasn't you...and i said 

because i dont leave the toliet seat up after i use the toliet and they BOTH do and i haven't been home since 5pm so i know it wasn't me cuz i think i would know if i took a shit in the toliet....and he goes oh...but does he say something to them about it NEIN! and guess who plunged the nasty shit out ME....NO FUCKIN MORE I'M FUCKIN DONE!


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[ viewing | January 25th, 2008 ]
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