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Peter Pettigrew ([info]misterwormtail) wrote,
@ 2008-09-04 21:18:00

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[Hexed against the Order/Friends]

I hate this.

I wasn't even asked.

Remus had to fight to not take that position, and they didn't even glance over me.

I'm not that dumb, right? I can do some things really well, can't I?

I mean, I know I'm not the best, but it still sucks.

Sirius and James are off teaching when they got in more trouble in school than anyone else. How is that fair?

And they don't even care that I'm pissed about it. If I were to say anything they'd just say I was bitching, and make fun of me or something.

Well, not Remus. Remus is nicer than that.

This sucks. I can't do anything, either. I can't go anywhere, and I don't even have a job anymore since the Goblins aren't paying the money to keep Muggleborns working.

[OOC: The reason why I warded this against his friends is because I wanted to allow Evan to comment, because I'm going to try and start moving along his DE storyline. Other DE's can follow along obviously, but I just figured it'd be easier if I knew where I wanted it to go, and used one of my own for now.]


Anyone know who's hiring muggleborns?

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2008-09-05 06:18 am UTC (link)
Hm. I suppose this does seem rather out of the ordinary, doesn't it?

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2008-09-05 06:23 am UTC (link)
Concidering that you used to torture me in school, yeah, it seems a little out of the ordinary Evan.

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2008-09-05 06:40 am UTC (link)
Now, now...let's not hold a grudge.

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