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hogwarts100 ([info]misspenny) wrote,
@ 2012-06-05 09:15:00

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maggie & octavius

maggie & octavius

Octavius didn't mind doing the Prefect rounds. He knew some of the others moaned and complained about it, but Octavius liked the responsibility.

Not that he didn't want to hex his brains out when he was paired with Prisca Pucey.

Surely the feeling was mutual.

He believed (as often the case with the Gryffindor House must be) that it was not so much that he and Maggie were superior upholders of order and rule, but that their peers faced a lot of difficulty with the concept. He could not contain the delicate shudder that passed through him upon picturing his best friend with a Prefect badge. Or his best friend's sister.

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