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hogwarts100 ([info]misspenny) wrote,
@ 2012-06-02 17:14:00

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tim & adamina

If one was intelligent, kind, and yes, pretty, the world often went out of its way to cater to that individual. It wasn't Adamina's fault that she had been blessed with all three characteristics. She might not exploit this particular way of the world, but that didn't mean she wouldn't use it to her advantage when it suited her. She dared anyone to say otherwise, if it came to them.

So, if some people, like Timothy Greengrass, took it upon themselves to dislike her for what nature saw fit to give her, it was a simple indication of their small-mindedness. Perhaps if he took two minutes to stop being a scowling boob and have a real conversation with her, he might see the error of his ways.

This boy seemed to grunt every word out of his mouth--which, Adamina noticed, were few and far between and nearly always insulting toward her person.

From a Half-blood Hufflepuff (which was fact, and not small-minded judgment, thank you), no less. "Insulting" was not even the word for it.

It was right at that very second that she decided to change tactics when it came to dealing with Timothy Greengrass.

His eyes narrowed. "What are you doing?"

Her smile was patiently beatific, her tone no less: "Why, I'm being nice to you, Timothy."

"Well, stop it," he said, and if he ever made any sort of facial expression or otherwise emoted in her presence, she would have sworn there was a hint of panic about his person.

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