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hogwarts100 ([info]misspenny) wrote,
@ 2011-11-21 23:16:00

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seth & wendy

"You know, after."

"After what?"

"You know. After."

"You just said the same words!"

Sometimes he didn't know who the dumber one in this relationship was. He didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

"Ohyouwanttohavesex!" she squeaked, clapping her hand over her mouth.

It wasn't as if she and Seth hadn't done... things. They had. Sort of. Mostly they snogged. But they did that a lot! Really, a lot! But now hearing it in such black and white terms, hearing "sex," made her cheeks turn a likely-unflattering shade of red and robbed her of speech. Wendy didn't really think that was supposed to happen.

"But--" he sputtered, "but you've never said anything!"

"It was never an issue before!" she cried, wringing her hands together anxiously, as seemingly appalled about this development as her boyfriend.

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