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chloe abbott

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oo4 [18 Aug 2008|09:35pm]
[ mood | angry ]

SO.  True story - and yes, this all happened in the same day, yesterday, the 17th of August.

I went to the the Ministry early yesterday morning, figuring I might as well beat the rush and lines.  There's nothing I hate more than waiting in long bureaucratic lines.  Actually, I don't think anyone likes waiting in long bureaucratic lines unless you are complete dolts that love to waste their time but that's utterly beside the point!  Anyhow, because of my big brother's connections, I managed to move up the line (thanks big brother!) for Portkeys.  Why Portkeys, you ask?  Well, I have finally planned my great month-long trip to the Far East!  I planned to have an extensive tour of China, starting with Hong Kong, then Taiwan, then Japan, Singapore, Vietnam, India, and the Philippine islands, ending with Moscow.

Note how I used past tense in "planned."

Well, this was right after they posted their M.A.G.I.C. Act, unknown to me, where I was, like I said, zooming up a line.  They demanded to see some ID, I showed them some (not my fake ones, mind you), and then they asked me my blood. 

Ministry ass: Your blood type?
Me: Wut
Ministry ass: Portkeys will be restricted for the time being.

So I guess I'm not going to Asia.  In my rage I accepted a bartending job at the Silver Siren, just down the road, since you know, I won't be going to Asia - or anywhere out of the country - anytime soon.  Come visit me and we'll talk about how stupid our current Ministry of Magic is over saketinis, my specialty.

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