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User:ministryoftruth (36600)
Name:Adrian Carver
Schools:None listed
People4:jimmy, morgan, news, system
Communities3:marvel_nextgen, nextgen_ooc, the_bullpen
Friend of:32: aaronwyatt, american_idol, awesome_andrea, bite_me, bornlucky, cant_stop_this, dont_bug_me, favoredheir, fireball, gammagodling, godlierthanthou, harryreynolds, hot_rod, im_a_librarian, kidfuzzy, likethewind, marvel_girl, neogoblin, queenofcrime, redheadspy, ryanspector, sea_shelly, small_but_tough, son_of_genius, son_of_hercules, subject0001, super_wren, swashbuckler, toni_rhodes, touchesthepast, two_gun_kid, wild_rose
Account type:Early Free User
Date created:2010-04-27 14:50:34
Date updated:2010-04-29 11:55:50, 776 weeks ago
Clients used:Web: 2.0.0
Journal entries:2
Comments:Posted: 31 - Received: 0

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