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Adrian Carver

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Sample Post [29 Apr 2010|11:14am]
Adrian Carver sits at his desk at CNN Headquarters, opening the manila envelope and dumping it's contents on his large, oak desk. The papers smell lightly of water and metal, which puzzles him, but Adrian doesn't think anymore of it once he starts reading the flowing script inside the envelope.

Mr. Carver,

   You are one of the few anchormen on television known for using your show as a platform for standing against injustice. This missive comes to you from one who shares your quest. You may be one of the few who can stand up to those who traffic in human slavery, government corruption, terrorist support and destabilization of governments world-wide. Right now, I probably sound like some manner of insane conspiracy-theorist, ranting about a shadowy group pulling the strings of your nation's politicians and lobbyists. As a journalist, you are likely to demand proof of my accusations, and I am willing to provide such to you.

Emma Frost is a member of this organization that calls itself the Hellfire Club. She also runs a school in Massachusetts that doubles as a training ground for mutant terrorists who learn to hone their abilities. Furthermore, she runs a sex-slavery ring in connection with other well-known wealthy industrialists, who I think you know when you put the pieces together. If this isn't enough, however, seek out Christina Frost. This young woman is one of the many who have been exploited by Miss Frost and her people. If my meaning is unclear, Mr. Carver, you need to understand: Emma Frost is a mutant, a telepath capable of controlling mind to do her bidding. If you allow your inquiries to be made public, expect that she will send someone to deal with you at the first opportunity.

Find Christina Frost, and listen to what she has to say...or more importantly, will not say, and be careful. The Hellfire Club does not tolerate interference in their plans. Trust no one, not even me. Find the truth for yourself, Adrian, and determine whether or not the American people need to know that mutants are trying to overthrow their government.

The letter was unsigned, and Adrian stuffed it back into the envelope. This was insane. Crazy. Outright foolish. A well-known philanthropist is actually a mutant, disguising herself as a human while pulling the strings of government world-wide? It really did sound like a conspiracy theorist's wet dream, and Emma Frost was the wet dream of most men with a pulse. Adrian wanted to laugh, wanted to throw away the letter and forget he'd ever received it. This kook would likely write in with a story about aliens next.

But...what if this kook were on to something? Adrian was well aware of what it took to hide an ability like Emma Frost's, and how careful one would have to be. What if the Hellfire Club was real, and not just the rumor he'd heard of over the years? Who else was in on it, and if they were all mutants...who else wanted to supplant the government and ruin things for everyone? 

"Well, then. Looks like I need to find Christina Frost." Adrian said to himself, gathering his things.

It was time to make headlines.

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Application Post [27 Apr 2010|04:02pm]

Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: De
AIM (if you have one): Gavin DeVaine
Character Name: Adrian Carver
Character LJ (if applicable): ministryoftruth
Physical description (face, build, weight): Adrian is 6’2”with white-blond hair and engages in regular physical exercise.
Age: 37
Birthday: June 3rd , 1967
PB: (If using one.) Anderson Cooper

Abilities: Adrian Carver is a powerful telepath, in the range of Emma Frost, but beneath Charles Xavier, as well as a highly-skilled professional journalist and anchorman. He speaks Mandarin, Castillian and Mexican Spanish, Swahili, French, Russian, German, Swedish, Japanese, and Portuguese. He has actually learned these languages, rather than allowing his telepathy to do most of the work for him. Adrian is also well-connected due to his family name and is personally wealthy in addition to being an heir of the Crittenden shipping fortune.

Furthermore, Adrian is good-looking, charismatic and charming.

Weaknesses and flaws: Adrian has normal human durability and strength, and suffers damage as any other human would. Adrian is also red color-blind and does not drive for himself.

Character location/Home: New York City
Alignment (villain, hero etc): Independent

Relatives (living/dead?): Loki (distant-grandfather), Lionel Carver (father, deceased), Jennifer Crittenden-Carver (mother, deceased), Arthur Crittenden (uncle), Angela Crittenden (aunt), Aurora Crittenden (cousin), Avery Crittenden (cousin), Younger Cousin, Zoey Ashcroft (second cousin), Joey Allerdyce (second cousin)

Backstory:  Adrian Carver was a curious boy who grew up with a life of privilege and the finer things  in life, but his world changed the day he got his first camera. He took picture of any and everything and found himself wanting to tell stories that went with the pictures. Harboring a love for writing as well, Adrian, began to explore the world of journalism in high school, then studied it college. Adrian traveled the world with his camera, creating home-made news reports that he put up on his website “The World in 360”, which still exists today.

Adrian used his uncle’s political connections to get himself a job as an intern with the Central Intelligence Agency for two years, but eventually, he chose to become a television reporter. Adrian has met both the Pope and the Dali Lama, and had lunch with the Vice-President of the United States. He’s currently a well-known face on CNN’s Adrian Carver 720, and has spoken previously on the issues facing humans in relation to mutants and other super-human types.

How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: Adrian will begin a slow, steady quest to bring the “super-human issue” back to the forefront of American politics on his show Adrian Carver 720

What are you planning to do with this character? Have Adrian become one of the more vocal proponents of registration for ALL super-types, not just mutants, and be in the thick of the stories that matter most to the American people.

What do you want to see happen with this character?: I want to see Adrian work with others to push his agenda of getting mutants and others to Register and possibly gain further power and exposure as a member of the media.

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