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User:mimic (29261)
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Name:Wren Abbott

-Wren Abbott-

So she was turned away
To hide her face, her lips, her guilt among the trees,
Even their leaves, to haunt caves of the forest
To feed her love on melancholy sorrow
Which, sleepless, turned her body to a shade,
First pale and wrinkled, then a sheet of air,
Then bones, which some say turned to thin-worn rocks;
And last her voice remained. Vanished in the forest,
Far from her usual walks on hills and valleys,
She's heard by all who call; her voice has life.


layout by biconic@LJ
Schools:None listed
People39:agretos, alyttelgeste, appointedtime, aurora_leigh, buddingmorrow, crowinthealder, dispater, dryad, erinys, fieryarrow, goldenbells, guanshiyin, hesperos, heyjupiter, hezarafsana, illmet, inlonesplendour, interduca, kore, liesmith, liquidasets, littlegreycells, malakh, mercurymods, mimic, necocyaotl, ohsnap, okouwa, oolissays, posthumous, saltsea, settheory, shiva, songsofearth, spinneret, thoseberubies, vanadis, weftwarpwimble, wyrtgaelstre
Friend of:61: 9dayswonder, actthebear, agretos, aphanes, artificer, buddingmorrow, commonsensical, crowinthealder, crownandhoney, dispater, eidolon, eigengrau, enyalios, forerunner, gallowsburden, girlfriday, guanshiyin, heyjupiter, horticulturist, infamyofcrete, inlonesplendour, interduca, ipsevenenabibas, itsaliving, karkinopous, kerdea, kore, lapucelle, lepidopterist, liesmith, limetree, liquidasets, littlegreycells, longsnakemoan, malakh, mercurymods, merkabah, milesbetter, mimic, necocyaotl, nohardmatter, noirishnodogs, ohsnap, okouwa, oolissays, plentyncael, posthumous, profiteer, psychopompous, rockbottomriser, saltsea, sanguinetauri, seafoamborn, secondsight, settheory, sevenveils, shiva, silverbought, solinvictus, songsofearth, weftwarpwimble
Member of:1: mercurystanding
Account type:Early Free User

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