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princess serenity, hbic. ([info]mikipinku) wrote,
@ 2008-09-10 18:53:00

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I read the following post in a feminist blog and thought I should share, for the love of Obama/Biden '08 ;]!

I woke up yesterday and by the time I was awake for 11 minutes I felt like I had been punched in the gut several times after reading on several conservative blogs how Sarah Palin, McCain’s VP pick, is such a great feminist role model. After doing some research on this woman whom I’ve never even heard of before it became abundantly clear–Not only is Sarah Palin not a feminist, she is as anti-woman as Bush and McCain combined. That is the reason why McCain picked her; not because she is a woman and he wanted to be underhanded (which he totally did,) but because she’s a Republican, conservative man who just happens to be in a woman’s body.

Feminism means to stand up for human rights; it means to stand up for equality and the freedoms and liberties of people and Sarah Palin is disgustingly right wing, anti-choice and has no record of representing women’s interests; though her record in general is quite minuscule.

So here are some things you should know about Sarah Palin–The woman vice presidential candidate with strong, anti-woman policies.

Palin is adamantly opposed to reproductive rights. She opposes abortion including in cases of rape and incest. She opposes birth control, emergency contraception and just like McCain, is all about abstinence-only education. Basically, she agrees with McCain regarding all forms of sexuality and wants to tell people everywhere that if they have sex, that woman better be damn ready to squeeze out that baby in 9 months.

Palin has absolutely no federal or international experience whatsoever. Prior to being the governor of Alaska for less than two years, (I can’t believe she and Mike Gravel actually share a state) she was the mayor of a small town made up of around 6,000 people. Before that, she was a beauty queen. (Is McCain looking for a new mistress? A third wife, perhaps?)

I found it oddly peculiar how the Republicans who were bashing Obama about not having enough experience are fully supporting a McCain/Palin ticket when Palin has no experience at all.

Palin strongly supports big oil. Hell, not only does she support it, she’s profiting from it with her husband working for an oil company. A McCain/Palin ticket would mean just more of the same when it comes to going after countries for their oil–They both make a killing from it and us meager, middle class Americans can just keep enlisting in the military and having our lives taken away from us in vain to support the wallets of these people. Oh, did I mention she’s 100% pro-war? Yeah…no surprise.

She believes that global warming is not only not man-made, but is a total farce and goes as far as to being opposed to listing the polar bear on the endangered species list. But that isn’t her only anti-animal policy; she also supports aerial shooting of bears and wolves in Alaska.

She is in favor of public schools teaching abstinence-only education (Alaska is currently considering spending more on abstinence-only sex education) and creationism. I can see the syllabus…”Yes, a man in the sky made you and he says not to have sex until you’re married no matter what. Got it? And if you are raped, even if you’re raped by a member of your family and become pregnant you will have that baby!”

When it comes to other issues of women, such as equal pay for equal work, she is following McCain’s lead and isn’t even on the record.

Palin has went on the record, however, with how she feels about LGBT rights:

“[...] she’s not out to judge anyone and has good friends who are gay, but that she supported the 1998 constitutional amendment.

Elected officials can’t defy the court when it comes to how rights are applied, she said, but she would support a ballot question that would deny benefits to homosexual couples.

“I believe that honoring the family structure is that important,” Palin said.

She said she doesn’t know if people choose to be gay.

“But, but, but…I have gay friends!” Come on. And why hasn’t she asked these said gay friends if they chose to be gay? For the record: No, people do not choose to be gay and if they did, who do you think would choose to be denied basic, human rights and be discriminated against to such a degree? There are the cases of Brandon Teena, Matthew Shepard and so many others who have been brutally attacked and killed for nothing other than the fact that they happened to be gay. Who would choose to be the target for hate crimes? Yeah, I don’t think so.

Best of all, Palin has already managed to get herself involved in a scandal:

A legislative investigation is looking into allegations that Palin fired Alaska’s public safety commissioner because he refused to fire the governor’s former brother-in-law, a state trooper.

Palin acknowledged that a member of her staff made a call to a trooper in which the staffer suggested he was speaking for the governor.

Palin has admitted that the call could be interpreted as pressure to fire state trooper Mike Wooten, who was locked in a child-custody battle with Palin’s sister.

This is a direct abuse of power on her part and I don’t want to see what else she is capable of if she ever saw the white house.

Sarah Palin stands for everything Hillary Clinton is against so please, Hillary supporters, do not be fooled.

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